Northwestern's year of establishment MINUS the route # of the famous Route from Chicago to LA
1851 - 66 = 1785
What is statistically America's LEAST favorite pizza topping?
What is the name of the Chinese concept that refers to the life force or vital energy that flows through all living things?
Chi (or Qi).
A light airy French dessert you could hold in your palm, or a type of Spanish dance.
Meringue or Merenge
Michael Jordan's most notable jersey # TIMES Chicago's population rounded to the nearest million
23 x 3 = 69 lol
Where was Hawaiian style pizza invented?
One of the smallest members of the Onion family.
'__ __ Pass' is law, but '__ Pastries' are delicious
Puff Puff Pass or Puff Pastries
# of states that border Illinois w/a BIG10 school x 2
3 x 2 = 6
Iowa, Wisconsin, Purdue/Indiana
The technical, or "official" term for pizza crust.
Centaur in Greek Mythology: 'the wisest and justest of all the centaurs'
A delicious egg breakfast, or what you say rhetorically to someone to see if they understand.
Quiche or "Capiche?"
The year of the Great Chicago Fire PLUS the # ml of a bottle of Malört
1871 + 750 = 2621
In what state in the US is the oldest owned and operated pizzeria?
New Jersey
What is the term for a type of small, Chinese green tea known for its delicate flavor and health benefits?
Layered filo pastry, or something you wear on your head skiing.
Baklava or Balaclava
The year of the World Fair in Chicago MINUS the last decade Chicago had a republican mayor.
1893 - 1930 = -37
What NON US Holiday gets the most pizza deliveries besides Super Bowl Sunday?
The day before Thanksgiving
What is the name of the popular, lightweight fabric often used in making summer clothing, originally made from a blend of silk and cotton?
Galette or palette (sorry this one is a stretch)