What does SR&F stand for
Systems Requirement & Fulfilment
What year was the Centro ASSIST trading name registered?
Name the 3 airline customers (present and past)
Qantas, Icelandair and Cathay Pacific
Which staff member has the longest name (first and last combined).
btw. There's 2 so either one
Alexander Lawrence
Patrick McLaughlin
17 characters
What is the name of the 'teardrop' like shapes in the old holocentric logo
What does JSL stand for?
Java-like Scripting Language
Who was the Holocentric CEO before Bruce Nixon?
John Forrest
What was Bolton Clarke formally know as?
RSL Care / RDNS . these companies merged to form Bolton Clarke
Hans/Derek cannot answer or hint!
What year did Hans start working at Holocentric.
2000. Our longest tenured employee started in 21/2/2000
What is the most popular university attended by our staff?
UNSW. At least 5 members.
Derek, Hans, Kathy, Marlon, Michael
What does SOMD stand for?
Simply Object MoDeler
Play coy if this was you!
Who came up with the name 'Modelpedia'.
Aaron Davison
Who was the first Modeler customer world wide?
ABS, 1996
We have 7 pairs of employees with the same initials (Firstname LastName). Name 3 of these pairs
AD Aaron Davison Alex Dennison
JB Jack Burney Jessica Browne
JW Jay Waugh Justin Walker
MC Martin Chau Michelle Curtis
MS Michael Simarta Michael Serban
PM Paul Musgrave Patrick McLaughlin
SS Serene Spencer Sameer Sami
Name the 2 technology awards we won in 2019
Consensus Software Awards
What was the name of 'Modeler' before Holocentric renamed it?
Simply Objects
What was the name Holocentric traded under previously?
Prism International Pty Ltd (from 1991) and also Adaptive Arts Pty Ltd (from 1992), then Adaptive Arts merged into Prism before the name change
Which one of our active customers organisations is the oldest?
Westpac est 1817
Bendigo and Adelaide bank est 1858
Jess and Serene cannot answer or help!
How many new employees started in 2021.
Marlon de Silva Alexander Lawrence Jessica Browne Olivia Veenstra Sameer Sami Patrick McLaughlin Alex Dennison Angelo Suerte Michelle Curtis Kathryn Birett
This is a boobie prize. Free 400 points!
Which customer organisation was the inspiration for a “Living Repository” that resulted in Modelpedia?
Sydney Water
or Sydney Water Corporation Limited as it was known in 1993 when Derek worked on a Repository evaluation there
What CASE Tool did Bruce Nixon used to sell before Modeler?
Which one of our active customer organisations is the youngest?
WaterNSW was established on the 1 January 2015
Ventia a close second at 2014
What is the current average tenure of all permanent employees? X.X years
From Hans to Kat
Correct to 1 year
5.7 years
What was the name of the font used in the old Holocentric logo?
CG Berhnardt