Which ruler was known as the "restorer" of the German Empire?
Otto I
Which group of people was taxing the Christians while they were on their pilgrimages?
Seljuk Turks
What city were the Crusades fought over?
What was the name of the first Crusade conflict that consisted of peasants?
Popular Crusade
Who led the second Crusade as his wife dressed up as an Amazon and then had an affair with her relative?
Louis VII
Who drowned in a river because his horse shook him off?
Frederick Barbarossa
What coalition was founded (by Milan) to unite and defend against Frederick Barbarossa?
Lombard League
What were the territories called that the Crusaders conquered and set up governments at? (ex: Edessa)
Crusader States
Who was the last of the "Big 3" Christian leaders left in the Third Crusade?
Richard I
Which Crusade was the most successful for the Christians?
Which German ruler stole land from the nobles and set up low officials over them?
Henry IV
Which group of people won their independence by chucking stones and trees down mountains onto their enemies?
Swiss (Cantons)
What ended/was put on break when Alexius Comnenus asked Pope Urban II for help?
The Great Schism
Which Pope inspired the people with sermons and told them they would be rewarded by God (1st Crusade)?
Pope Urban II
What was the name of the guy in the "Big 3" who abandoned the mission and turned home to go take his friends lands?
Philip II
Which German ruler was responsible for reforming the Church (and ignoring everything else)?
Henry III
Which council was invented by Charles IV with the purpose of electing a king one month after the past king died?
Golden Bull
Who was the peasant who became highly educated and served as a tutor for Otto III and eventually became pope?
Gerbert/Sylvester II
Who was the disliked son of William the Conqueror that led the First Crusade?
Robert I
Which Christian city was attacked by Christians in the 4th Crusade?
This leader of the Holy Roman Empire was known as a “Stupor Mundi” who spoke six languages, founded a university, and was hailed as the first modern ruler.
Frederick II
Which group of people did Pope Innocent III ask for help from in the Fourth Crusade?
Which man was elected by the nobles but was ambitious and took much of Austria
Rudolph Habsburg
During the 2nd Crusade, what was the name of the Crusader State that the Muslims took out of nowhere?
Which Muslim leader unified all of Egypt and Syria during the Third Crusade?