In the second creation account (Genesis, Chapter 2) God said something "is not good" what was not good?
Which Prophet told God he couldn't be a Prophet because he was "too young"?
The Prophet, Jeremiah
What does the name Jesus mean in Hebrew?
God saves
Name the 7 Sacraments
Baptism, Eucharist (I will also accept Holy Communion), Confirmation
Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony
Anointing of the Sick (I will also accept EXTREME UNCTION), Reconciliation
Complete this phrase. Hey Father Baker how are you doing? (He responds) Oh, I'm finer than a ____ ____
Frog's hair
Which Prophet said this line: "My father, my father! Israel's chariots and horsemen"?
Define the word Reconciliation in the original Latin. (RE and CONCILLIUM) What does it mean?
Literally: Turning back to God Eyelash to Eyelash, I will also accept turning back to God Face to Face but know that I am accepting it begrudgingly.
What is Anthony Romeo's middle name?
I ain't got one ya salty dog
What was the year of the Council of Nicea?
325 AD
What were the three items in the Ark of the Covenant?
Aaron's Staff, Manna (in a pot is fine), The Tablets of the Ten Commandments
This prophet interpreted a dream of a statue being destroyed by a rock that was "not hewn from human hands"
What does word Baptism mean from the original Greek? βάπτω
To plunge or to immerse
There are 150 Psalms. In 149 of these Psalms, David is describing emotions and events that happened to him during his reign. However, there is one psalm that stands apart, in which David is describing a very specific event that NEVER happened to him. Which Psalm is this?
Psalm 22, known as The Vox Christi
What is the religious name of Father Baker's sister? (She's my favorite Baker sibling)
Sister Margaret Andrew (will be a saint someday!)
In the Book of Numbers, _____ had to be lifted up on a staff for the people to be saved from their sin.
A serpent, snake
This Prophet had a burning coal touched to his lips by an angel.
What does the name Satan mean from Hebrew? (Sa'tah) שָׂטָן
The accuser or the adversary
What is the only thing that truly sustains a marriage? HINT: (I harp on this every class I teach and I go on and on, and on, about it. Personally? I get pretty fired up about it, and it drives me CRAZY when people think it's anything else.
The Grace of God
The popularity of this Jewish name plummeted in a similar fashion to the name Adolf in the mid/late 1940's.
Name the 10 plagues in Exodus that freed the Israelites from the Egyptians. 300 bonus points for naming them in order. NO PARTIAL CREDIT
They were, in sequence: water turned to blood, multitude of frogs, swarms of gnats, pest of flies, disease that killed all the cattle, epidemic of boils, torrential hailstorm, plague of locusts, darkness for three days, death of all the firstborn among the Egyptians.
There are two prophets that were described as eating scrolls. Name both. NO PARTIAL CREDIT
Jeremiah and Ezekiel
What do the T, N, and K stand for in the Hebrew word TaNaK? תָּנָ״ךְ
Torah = The Law
Nevi'im = The Prophets
Ketuvim = Holy Writings
Define "The Munera"
The offices of Priest, Prophet, King that you receive at Baptism
Give me the exact year of the Fall of the Temple in Jerusalem. BONUS: for 200 points give me the year of the Battle of Hastings
70 AD
Bonus: 1066AD by William the Conqueror