What is the transformation of water to wine?
Jesus carries and dies on the cross on this day
What is Good Friday?
Done during church on Palm Sunday
What is the blessing of the palms?
The meaning of Light on the Paschal Candle
What is Christ's Light that shines through the darkness?
This teacher said something along the lines of "If my students leave my classroom smiling, I'm doing something wrong"
Who is Ms. Scott?
The Epiphany
What is when the Three Wise Men came to Jesus?
Jesus washes the feet of his Apostles on this day
What is Holy Thursday?
Done in the morning, in church, on Holy Thursday
What is the blessing of the three oils? (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders)
The meaning of the Cross on the Paschal Candle
What is Christ's eternal life?
This man was Abraham Lincoln's barber
Who is William Fleurville?
The Presentation
What is when Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple?
Jesus is placed in the tomb on this day
What is Holy Saturday?
Done in the evening, in church, on Holy Thursday
What is the washing of the feet of twelve people?
The meaning of Alpha and Omega on the Paschal Candle
What is the beginning and the end?
The main characters in the movie "Finding Jesus"
Who are Muggles and Joy?
The Transfiguration
What is when Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to a mountain where Moses and Elijah appear?
Jesus freed animals being sold and killed; he turns over tables with anger on this day
What is Holy Monday?
What is the veneration of the cross?
The meaning of Incense Grains on the Paschal Candle
What are the five wounds of Jesus?
The Japanese kanji for dog
What is 犬?
The Sermon on the Mount
What is when Jesus gave us the Beatitudes, the Our Father, and the Golden Rule?
Judas plans to betray Jesus with the Pharisees on this day
What is Spy Wednesday?
On Holy Saturday, there are _ readings.
What is 9?
The meaning of the Year on the Paschal Candle
What is the reminder of God's presence here and now?
What is the creation of Tic-Tacs?