What is the 11th station of the cross?
Jesus is nailed to the cross
What did Jesus do on passover?
Jesus gave his body and blood to his apostles
What are priests?
People who run the mass
What are the ten commandments?
Commandments God gave to his people.
What languages do I speak?
English and EEEEEEEE
What was the first station of the cross?
Jesus is condemned to death
Who betrayed Jesus?
When does holy week begin?
Palm Sunday
What did David do to Goliath?
He killed him with a stone and slingshot?
Name 5 numbers
EX: 65987
What was the 12th station?
Jesus dies on the cross.
What is Passover?
A time Jewish people remember getting freed from Egypt.
When does holy week end?
Easter sunday
What did the Isrealites do after Moses left?
They created false Idols
Who is donald ducks girlfreind?
Daisy duck
What was the sixth station of the cross?
Veronica wipes Jesus face.
Why were the preists mad at Jesus.
They didn't believe he was the Messiah.
What do we remember on Easter Sunday?
That Jesus resurrected from the dead
Who were Adam and Eves children.
Cain and Abel.
How much money do I have?
None. I am a freeloder
What is the 8th station of the cross.
Jesus meets the woman of Jerusalem.
Why did Peter deny knowing Jesus
He didn't want to be killed like him
What days do you go to mass during holy week?
Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.
What tribe invaded Isreal? {not philistines}
The Caananites
Who is my Idol?
Lebron Lemickey.