What did the people throw on the ground when Jesus entered Jerusalem?
Palm branches and cloaks.
What do we now call the day we remember the first Lord's Supper?
Maundy Thursday
Who betrayed Jesus?
Whose ear did Peter cut off?
The servant named Malchus.
When Jesus died what was torn in two?
The temple veil separating the Holy of Holies.
What was special about the donkey colt that Jesus rode?
It had never been ridden before.
What are two earthly elements in the Lord's Supper?
Bread and wine
After saying he would never leave Jesus' side, what did Peter end up doing?
Who washed his hands of the guilt of killing Jesus?
Pontius Pilate
When Jesus died there was darkness in the land. How long did the darkness last?
3 hours
Noon - 3pm
Jesus told the Pharisees, "if [my disciples] keep quiet, _______________."
"...the stones will cry out."
Why do we take the Lord's Supper?
Jesus commands it.
For the forgiveness of sins.
How did Jesus show love and servitude to his disciples at the Passover meal?
He washed their feet.
What was the name of the chief priest?
What did the women bring to Jesus' tomb on Easter Sunday? Why?
Spices to anoint Jesus body
What does "hosanna" mean?
The Lord's Supper represents the New Covenant of forgiveness of sins by faith. What dinner was celebrated to represent the old covenant?
How much money did Jesus get for betraying Jesus?
30 pieces of silver
Whom did the citizens want to be released instead of Jesus?
The letters INRI appear at the top of Jesus' cross. What do they mean?
"Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"
What is the symbolism behind Jesus riding to the temple on Palm Sunday?
He was presenting himself as the perfect sacrifice.
While others teach representation or transubstantation, what is the Lutheran theological understanding of the Lord's Supper?
Real Presence
Which disciple encouraged a servant girl to let Peter into the chief priest's courtyard?
How did Judas identify Jesus to the soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane?
He kissed Jesus on the cheek.
How do we know when to celebrate Easter?
Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring.