What is hotter than the sun?
What is lightning.
What is the chocolate industry in the U.S?
Where is Hershey.
What is used to talk away from people in an office?
What is a inercom.
What is the biggest mammal ever?
What is an elephant.
What is the princibal's name?
Who is Mrs. Richards.
What is everything made of in the galaxy?
What are atoms.
What is the capital of Pensilvania?
Where is Harrisburg.
What is the world's best pencil.
What is Dixon Ticrogenda.
What is yes.
What is Henry's favorite show?
What is Naruto.
What is three.
What is the capital of the U.S?
Where is Washington D.C.
What do you use to make a book final?
What is a stapeler.
What is a german sheppard?
What is very big.
What is Henry's favorite animal?
What is a panda.
What do bats use to hunt at night?
What are echoes.
How many national parks are there?
What is 58.
What do you fill out a lot?
What are papers.
What has three hearts?
What is an ouctapus.
What is Natalie's job?
What is a Nothing.
What is the smallest thing on earth?
What is hydrogen.
How many national parks are in pensilvania?
What is none.
What is the most importnant thing in an office?
The anamil that used to be in the library?
What are chicks.
What is Henry's favorite color?
What is orange.