Who is losing their life to a spirit?
What is the spirit Yasmeen after?
Nima's life!
Where did Yasmeen take Nima?
Why did Nima not want her life?
She felt alone and misunderstood
What time did Yasmeen take Nima to?
Back 16 years
Who is currently on their deathbed?
What does Nima want?
To fit in.
Where did Nima wake up at?
In the bath tub.
Why did Nima suddenly want her life back?
She realized how great it is because of Yasmeen
When does Nima go back to her old life?
When she scares her mom into wanting her.
Who's going to get a new life?
What caused Haitham to go to the hospital?
He got beat up by crazy grown men with weapons.
Where does Nima first see Yasmeen?
In her apartments
Why does Nima tell her mom sorry?
She's been treating her bad!
When does Yasmeen's spirit wake up?
Who is Nima's Best friend?
What made Nima cry/feel bad?
When Nima saw her mom want to give her away.
Where does Nima sit when Yasmeen "died"?
At a trunk of a tree.
Why does Nima help Yasmeen get a life?
She feels connected to Yasmeen.
When does Haitham stop talking to Nima?
When Nima and him got in a fight.
Who is a the hospital for Haitham?
Haitham's mama
What age is Nima?
15 years old.
Where does Nima live?
A White Suburban town.
Why does Nima's mom want to give her away?
Because her dad is not around.
When did everyone move out of Sudan?
After Nima's mom got pregnant.