Preparing for Independent Living
How can you save money on cleaning supplies?
Making your own from natural ingredients.
Why do we need to clean our living areas?
*Prevent bugs/mold *Decrease allergies *Keeps people and children safe *Allows for a happier moods for you and guest
Chicken should be kept in the refrigerator no longer than ________?
2 days
When looking for your own place to rent or buy, what is THE most important factor you need to consider? Hint: The answer I am looking for is not the cost of the monthly rent/mortgage.

What is one of Mr. Craybas pet peeves at home?

Dirty Sinks---GROSS

If you are living independently, what is something you can do to save money on all your bills?
Find a good roommate!--this will allow all bills to be split
How often should you clean your sheets on your bed? Bonus: Why?
Once a week Bonus: bed bugs
What is a cleanlier way to dry your dishes? Air dry or towel dry?
Air dry
List at least 3 different things you will need to know/do before you can live on you own successfully?
Laundry Pay Bills Grocery shop Cook The proper way to store and keep food Clean (the proper way and using the appropriate cleaners) Taking care of yourself (health/nutrition/sleep) Having reliable transportation Arriving to appointments/work/school on time
T/F It is okay to thaw chicken on the kitchen counter?
FALSE- anytime you thaw ingredients, it is best to put in the refrigerator so it does not go under the recommended temperature
What are 2 different ways you can save on electricity?
*Unplug items when not in use *Use fans to create a cool feeling in the room *Wash clothes only when needed *Turn up air conditioner/turn down heat when gone for a long time *Air dry clothes *Open windows when possible *Use blankets and dress warmly in winter and vise versa in the summer to allow heat and air conditioner to run less
What is an easy way to clean the microwave?
Fill a microwave safe bowl or cup with water and microwave it for about 5mins and then take out and microwave can easily be wiped out.
How long can fruit stay in the freezer and still be okay to eat? 6 months? 8 months? 12 months?
12 months
What are 4 things you will need to financially plan for before you are living on your own?
Transportation Utilities (electric, water, cable, internet, trash/sewage) Rent Food This is all in addition to: school loans, car payment, medical bills, ect.
Name at least 2 questions/topics you should discuss with a future roommate before moving in with each other.
Schedule (night person/day person) Cleanliness (cleaning agreement) Financial agreement (how much each person will owe and how and when it will be paid each month)
T/F Buying cheap disposable dishware and knifes, spoons, and forks is cheaper over a long period of time, because you do not have to use soap and water to clean every reusable dish.
False- buying disposable dishware will only cost more and it is bad for the environment.
This type of clothing should be washed on long cycles, with hot water and possible bleach.
White clothing (socks, sheets, towels, underwear)
T/F When cooking chicken stir fry. You can use the same cutting board to cut raw chicken and vegetables?
FALSE- when cutting any type of rare meat of fish always clean immediately and never cut other ingredients on the board unless washed thoroughly
If you or your guest put a hole in your wall at the place you are renting, you should fix the hole and not worry about telling your landlord?
FALSE- anytime major repairs are needed to be done at your rental place, you should always contact your landlord before anything is fixed. If you fix it with your own repair man, the landlord could be very unsatisfied with the repair and you may have to pay for it twice.
T/F Shopping in bulk is always the best shopping method if you are trying to save money? AND WHY?
FALSE- if you are not able to freeze the bulk items and do not have enough people to eat the bulk items it will go to waste.
Name 5 ways to save money when you are living on your own?
List is negotiable
Before you vacuum, you should do what things before you start vacuuming?
Pick up big pieces off the floor (change, bobby pins, paper, ect.) Move any decoration/furniture that can be picked up easily and put back.
How often should you clean out the pantry to make sure boxes are not open and all food is still okay to eat?
Once a month
What are 2 benefits and 2 disadvantages of renting instead of buying?
Benefits: Do not have to fix major repairs Can move quickly if need to Disadvantages: Can not make major changes to rental property unless have permission Never own anything when rent
Name 2 benefits and to disadvantages of living with your best friend as a roommate?
Benefits: Know them and can feel safe and comfortable Already have a good understanding of their schedules and living style Disadvantages: Can not get away from your living environment and go vent or hangout with your best friend If there is issues with your roommate you also have an issue with your best friend