
My client and I completed an intake for Carya's play therapy program... Where does this get documented?

Home Visitors: Under service file, in the referral space.

Intake: Under case file, in the referral space. 


Where do completed goals go in Penelope and how often are they updated?

Uploaded under attachments in service file & should be updated every 3 months. 


How many stars should be completed during a service of 12 months? At what times?

1. Initial star 

2. Progress at 6 months

3. Closing 

4. Retro with closing


Within what timeframe should an incident report be created and submitted to a supervisor?

Within 24 hours.


If I had a closing session with my client today, when is all my closing paperwork and file completion due?

Within 2 weeks.


I need to make a second referral for the foodbank, but I need to confirm that I have my client's consent. Where can I verify this?

Service file, under attachments. There should be a signed Release of Information for the food bank.


It is Wednesday at 10AM and I have a session this afternoon at 1PM. Client texts and cannot meet today as the kids are sick. We agreed to meet next week instead. How do I document this? 

Mark attendance as Cancelled in Penelope. Cancelled Minutes (60) in cart. 

Sessions cancelled within 24 hours are considered cancelled. 


What is the initial assessment period? 

What needs to be done during this time? 

60 days. 

1.Intake paperwork (Consent, ROI, Grievance Photo Consent)

2. EPDS/PASS (not always needed)


4. FCSS (only SYP)

5. Outcome Star

6. DV Screening

7. Goals/Risk Level

8. ASQ's


A disclaimer report is not something we typically see on most files - what are the reasons this may come up?

1. Couldn't complete DV screen due to partner always being in session/home.

2. Client fell off/declined continued service/follow up.

3. If children are out of ASQ age range. 


When & How should I start the process of program evaluations?

During the time of transition goals/talking about closing (~ 3 months left), should let client know about evaluations, then email client + supervisor to connect them and let them know supervisor will connect in upcoming weeks to complete evaluation. 

If closing is more abrupt, please follow above steps as soon as you can. 


During a client visit, Dad requests information on an unfamiliar topic. I will need to do research prior to our next visit. Do I document this time I spend researching, and if so, where specifically do I document it? 

Yes you do. This can be put in the prep section of the cart for the next session. 


It is Thursday at 1PM and my client texts me to cancel our 130PM appointment for the same day - how do I document this?

Mark attendance as No show in Penelope. Cancelled minutes (60) in cart. 

Cancellations within the hour are considered No show.


Where are the TWO places you can find a client's initial EPDS score?

1. Intake Summary

2. Assessments


During a session in a client's home, a dog lunged at me. I was fine since Mom pulled the dog back but shaken. How should I document this?

This would be considered an incident report - near miss. Submitted within 24 hours to your supervisor.


What are at least 4 things I should double check before I let my supervisor know that my client's file is ready to be closed?

1. Case notes/visits all resolved.

2. Referrals all closed.

3. Risk levels are there.

4. Pre & post assessments are there.

5. Intake paperwork is uploaded. 

6. Dismissal report is there.


I'm dropping off a supply of books and diapers to my client. She lives 10 minutes away from the office, I stayed to chat for 10 minutes, and then returned back to the office. How do I fill my cart on Penelope?

1. Delivery Visit for entire time (30 minutes)

2. Baby Essentials (1 Unit)

3. Kid Kit (1 Unit)


Today is Tuesday and I have a session booked for Friday morning; Mom texted me to cancel as she had a double booking. She has agreed to meet me next Friday instead. How do I document this?

Mark attandence as rescheduled in Penelope. Nothing in cart. 

Session is considered rescheduled if more than 24 hours' notice given.


My client and I completed the DV Screen 3 months ago and it was negative. Now I am noticing holes in the wall during my last visit. I check in again about DV - How do I document this?

1. Reactive DV Screen

2. Safety Plan/Incident report if positive.


During a visit today, Mom admitted to me that Dad has used physical violence when upset with their 2-year-old son. She explains that Dad's anger/frustration has been increasing when their son doesn't listen and last night - he slapped their son across the face. Worker decides to make a call to CS, Mom declines to be part of the call. 

Would you incident report this, and if so, is it critical or reportable?

This is a critical incident as violence was used against the child and the worker made a call to CS.


What is your response to parents when they question why there are so many assessments?

Information gathering, relationship building, getting to know each other, holistic view, gives us a focus point, helps us measure progress, gives us funding/supports funding.


I connected with my client's other worker over the phone about our client for 30 minutes - how do I document this?

For this, you have options!

1. Over 10 minutes, you can book as a session (Case Consultation) and document it as direct time in your cart. 

2. If it is 10 minutes & under - you can add it on to your next session with client & add it onto your direct time. 

3. If it's a shorter call (Less than 5 minutes), you can simply track it under your notes. 


I go for my visit with my client and this week we will be doing ASQ's. I do my regular visit, including prep and bring 1 ASQ bag + as well as a bus ticket for Mom to get to group tomorrow. We complete the ASQ and I document as usual.

What should be in your cart on Penelope? 

1. Travel time       2. Direct Time

3. Prep Time   4. Documentation Time.

5. ASQ kit - 1 Unit     6. Bus Ticket - 1 Unit


What must be completed before entering your retroactive star into Penelope? And what do you date it? 

Save progress stars and upload in Penelope as attachment. Notify supervisor to delete any other progress stars then upload as progress star. 

Date your retro star after your initial but before closing. Around midpoint of service.


I go to visit my client and she tells me that her and dad got into an argument last night where he ended up punching a wall. The kids were present. Dad left immediately to calm down, Mom put the kids to bed. No CS/Police were involved. 

Would you incident report this and if so, is it critical or reportable?

Reportable as no injuries were sustained, no CS/police involvement. However, there is risk of harm due to Dad's actions. Unsafe/unhealthy environment risk.


A worker wants to refer a client to parent-child mother-goose (internally), how would they go about this in Penelope? 

Create Outbound internal referral in Penelope and unclick pre-enrollment. 
