What Now?
Am I Homeless?
Unique Louisville

I'm 17yo and my parents have kicked me out of the house and I have no where to go - what should be my fist call? 

What is YMCA Safe Place Services?


I'm currently 17yo and currently staying at my great aunt's place.  Am I homeless?

What is NO for HUD.  Yes for McKinney-Vento/Dept of Education?


I just got referred to Pathways HOME at HOTI from Coordinated Entry.  What happens next?

What is a case manager at Pathways HOME will reach out to start the housing and assessment process?


I just got into my new apartment due to Pathways HOME (thanks Pathways!).  Should I be worried about getting a job?

What is YES?  Just because Pathways is paying the rent does not mean that it is easy street.  Clients are expected to work on employment, educational attainment, life skills, etc. as part of case management services.


Is homelessness increasing or decreasing in Louisville?

What is increased by 41% in literal homelessness over the past 4 years?


I'm 19yo and it is going to be really cold tonight.  I have no where to go, what should I do?

What is call the shelter bed reservation line (Single Point of Entry) at (502637-BEDS?


I am 19yo and currently sleeping in a tent on Jefferson St.  Am I homeless?

What is YES for HUD and Yes for all definitions of homeless?


I just got referred to Pathways HOME for housing.  How long can I expect to have the rent paid for?

What is up to 2 years.  RRH and TH grants allow for 2 years of assistance, with up to 3 years available for extenuating circumstances?


What are the primary services offered by Pathways HOME?.

What is housing assistance, life skills classes, employment linkages, resume building, job readiness, healthy parenting education, healthy food and cooking classes, financial empowerment classes and counseling, budgeting 101, housing/tenant training, transportation assistance and occasionally childcare assistance (during life skills).


Do we have enough affordable rental units currently in Louisville?

What is NO - we are currently 35,000 units short in Louisville and 95,000 units short statewide?


I'm 21 years old and I have been staying on a friends couch, but it's not ideal.  What should I do?

What is if it is safe to do so, continue staying on the friends couch.  There is NO dedicated overnight shelter in Louisville for 18 to 24 year olds?


I am 20 yo and currently staying in overnight shelter at Salvation Army on Brook St.  Am I homeless?

What is YES to HUD definition and all Federal and State definitions of homeless?


I just got referred to Pathways HOME, how long until my incidence of homelessness will be over and I will have the keys to my own apartment?

What is the goal is to get new referrals housed within 30 days, however up to 90 days is considered acceptable to HUD.  Both the client and case manager have to be willing to prioritize housing?


What if I just want housing from Pathways and don't want to be bothered with anything else?.

What is all clients are required to have an annual service plan with tailored goals and objectives?  Clients can choose not to participate in services, but they have to have a service plan and can be exited from the program for not participating on a minimal level.


Can past rental hiccups be expunged in Jefferson Co.?

What is NO - once an eviction is filed, it remains on the tenants record for the rest of their lives (and even follows children in the home)?


I'm 23 years old and I am currently staying at Wayside Low Barrier.  I really want to get out of here and want housing - what do I do?

What is call the Coordinated Entry Team at (502)637-2080.  They will come out and assess for housing and prioritize your placement on the community housing waiting list.


I am 23yo and currently 60 days behind on rent in my first ever apartment.  I just received an eviction letter from my landlord.  Am I homeless?

What is "it depends" for HUD and Yes for other state and Federal definitions of homeless?


This component of SELF focuses on identifying plans and vision for success in a forward oriented approach. 

What is Future?


So I hear about these Life Skills classes where outside speakers come in and staff teach different curriculum.  Do I really have to take part in that?

What is technically "no" - but Life Skills are an invaluable part of Pathways HOME programming.  Since Pathways is funded by HUD and HUD is pro Housing First, we technically can not mandate that clients participate.  But we strongly encourage and incentivize those that attend.


What is the best way to get involved in the homeless crisis?

What is call your local, state, and Federal legislatures to demand more affordable housing and services? 


I'm 24 years old and living on the streets.  I have been assessed by Coordinated Entry.  How long do I have to wait for housing?

What is it could take weeks or many months?  Any month there are between 150 and 180 literally homeless young adults waiting for housing in Louisville.  The more vulnerable you are, typically the quicker you are referred to an available housing program.


I'm 58 years old and I have been sleeping in my vehicle.  Am I homeless?

What is YES for HUD and all levels of homeless definition?


I just got referred to Pathways HOME.  I saw this apartment on Bardstown Road at Speed Ave.  I really want this apartment - can I have it?  Please please please??

What is "it depends." All assisted units have to meet Fair Market Rent and Rent Reasonableness requirements for Jefferson Co.?


I want to take this new job but Pathways case managers won't drive me to work.  I think I'm going to just not take the job.  What should I do?

What is call your case manager to bring you TARC tickets and passes?  Pathways pays for reduced fare TARC tickets for this very purpose.


Why would we "give housing" to someone who is actively using drugs or mentally ill?.

What is Housing First actually saves lives, has better health and well being outcomes, and saves taxpayers money by keeping community care costs down?
