MKV 101
Unaccompanied youth
Sensitivity & Awareness
MKV Rights
Impact of Homelessness

A residence that is not fixed would include these living conditions. 

What is a tent, RV, car, etc.


An unaccompanied homeless youth is defined as this.

What is a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian and lacking a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence?


This is an alternative term you may use to refer to a family or student experiencing homelessness. 

What is...


Without your own home


McKinney-Vento eligible


Like every student in the United States, students experiencing homelessness have the right to a ____, ___________, and ______ education. 

What is a free, appropriate, and public education?


Homelessness impacts education in many ways including this.

What is.. academic challenges causing lower grades and test scores, chronic absenteeism, etc. 


Sleeping in multiple locations throughout the week would deem a living situation as this.

What is irregular?


Unlike students experiencing homelessness with their parents, we do not need to consider the _____________  _____ when making determinations for UY.

What is the precipitating event?


Due to these reasons, families may not come forward to the school district with information about their living situation.

What is...


Fear of CYS involvement

Lack of knowledge of rights under McKinney-Vento

Fear host family may be evicted


The right to transportation may be implemented through any of these methods. 

What are buses, vans, public transportation, gas cards, gas mileage reimbursement, or whatever is adequate for the family.


This group of students is at the highest risk of experience homelessness, particularly as a unaccompanied youth. 

What are transgender students?


An inadequate home could broadly be determined by this.

suitability for human habitation (space in the home, presence of infestations, lack of heat, water, and electricity)


In PA, the age range for UY is this.

What is birth to age 22. 


Red flags refer to signs that a student or family may be experiencing homelessness. Name 3 of them. 

What is...

Attending multiple schools

Not having the necessary paperwork for enrollment

Secretive about their address

Unkempt appearance

More than one family at the same address

Truancy issues




Students experiencing homelessness need to be enrolled in school ___________, even if they lack ________________________. 

What is immediately and documents required for enrollment. 

A chronic and complex trauma is one that is this.

What is a reoccurring exposure to multiple traumatic events over a prolonged period? 


A student experiencing homelessness may attend either of these school districts.

What is the district of residence and the district of origin?


As an independent student, an unaccompanied youth is able to do this without a parent or guardian.

What is enroll, sign for themselves, or complete the FAFSA?


Name something a school can do to help improve the identification of students experiencing homelessness.

What is... 

•Implement a housing questionnaire

•Include homeless liaison/program information on the school’s website and other materials

•Ensure that families can access materials in a language they can understand

•Ongoing staff training

•Interagency collaboration

A student has the right to enroll in either the school of ________ or the school of _________ but we must assume it is in their best interest to remain in the school of _________. 

What is origin, residence, origin?


Many students who experience trauma during the second stage of brain development, the midbrain and limbic area, have issues with __________ development, and emotional and behavioral regulation. 

What is attachment?


A student identified as experiencing homelessness can fall into any of these 4 categories of nighttime residences.

What is... 

Unsheltered/substandard housing


Doubled-up/Living with family members or friends

Shelter/transitional housing


If an unaccompanied homeless youth has an IEP and does not have any contact with their legal guardian, this support needs to be assigned to the student. 

What is an educational surrogate?


These are the five factors of resilience.

What are connection, belonging, achievement, autonomy, and fulfillment?


Comparable access to services truly means _________ access. 

What is equitable


If a trauma such as homelessness is experienced in the first stage of brain development, a child may experience differences in ___________ development and ____________. 

What is sensory development and dissociation? 
