Most homeless people are... sheltered or unsheltered?
In areas where rent goes up quickly...
Homelessness rises
Preventing homelessness means...
Stopping people from becoming homeless
A veteran is...
Anyone who used to be in the military
According to Metro Denver's State of Homelessness report, what is the leading contributing factor to homelessness?
Relationship problems / family breakups
In the 1980s, __________ Institutions were shut down
Psychiatric (mental health)
346% more likely to become homeless
Unemployment insurance is...
A payment you can get when you lose your job
Veteran homelessness has been going... up/down
Which top 3 races are unhoused at higher rates?
1. Native Hawaiians or Pacific Islanders
2. Black or African American
3. American Indian or Alaska Natives
One way to solve the problems with expensive housing is to...
-Lower rents
- Offer rent support for low income tenants
Affordable housing helps because...
Americans support helping veterans because...
They served our country/were willing to risk their lives
The state with the largest homeless population is...
The industrial revolution was...
A shift more towards technology, people moved from farming to factory jobs
When mental health hospitals closed, many people ended up in...
Making the #1 Priority getting people off of the street and into shelter
Many veterans struggle with...
Mental health/PTSD/Addiction
In Denver what is the hourly wage a person needs to earn to be able to afford a two-bedroom apartment?
35.84 per hour!
People in the 1800s believed that homelessness caused...
Poor moral character
What does YHDP stand for?
Youth Homeless Demonstration Program
What is the second leading cause of homelessness in Metro Denver impacting those who struggle with housing cost.
Unable to pay rent/ Mortgage
True or false? In June 2024 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that cities can enforce bans on sleeping in public spaces even when no alternative shelter in available
True (very sad!)