In the God's Disciples, these two Gods are known as the "Ancient Ones"
Who are Titanis and Vruafedu
In the show Arcane, what is Jinx's original name
What is Powder
Ravager Orders gives these two features
What are Reckless Advance and Strike Again!
This was the first anime that the homies watched together, and the choice to watch it was made by (blank).
What is "Boku no Pico" chosen by Tommy
In our server, we use pins for iconic memes, game mechanics, and scheduling information. In the channels currently in our server, how many pinned messages are there?
In DnD 5e, these two classes are famous for being "the metagamer's dream" as they have powerful combat synergy despite their respective lore's being polar opposites
What is Paladin and Warlock (Hexblade)
This unique passive is the reason you can only have one of Immortal Shieldbow, Maw of Malmortius, or Steraks Gage
What is Lifeline
After many long years, its cellular structure underwent a sudden mutation to grow wings. When angered, it loses all thought and rampages out of control.
(Blank) came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in this Pokémon's cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings.
Who is Salamence
This homie chose his shirtless breather over jerkin his gerkin in Truth or Dare
Who is Christian
Journey to a New World was inspired by League of Legends lore, name 3 champions that were referenced or included as NPC's
Who Is [Yummi, Elise, Garen, Lux, Rakan, Jax, Ivern, Ashe, Draven}
Ornn is famous for upgrading items. In Season's 11 and 12 he can only upgrade mythic items. Name 3 mythic upgrades he can build.
What is many
These two edges are both required to gain supernatural classes, and thus are mutually exclusive (you cannot have both)
What are Mystic Senses and Elemental Connection
This quote "The Mayonnaise come out like come in my mom" was said by this homie in 2020
Who is Sam
Dimension 12 was ravaged by this, which caused Pokémon mutations and drinking water to become deadly
Mega Evolution Radiation
Nexus Blitz is a game mode know for its unique map and minigames. Name 3 minigames and 3 rewards for winning them.
Games: Bardle Royale, Loot Goblin, Push the Cart, Prize Fight, King of the Hill, Scuttle Racing, Protect the Soraka, DPS Check
Rewards: Catapult of Champions, Blessing of Blitzcrank, Poro King, Battle Sled, Guardian Angels, Statik Shock, B.F Shields, Mega Cloud Drake, Mega Ocean Drake, Aspect of the Dragon
Pokemon Contests are an underutilized aspect in Mainline Pokemon games and PTU. Name the 5 Contest Types.
What are Beauty, Smart, Tough, Cool, and Cute
This homie was "The First Skip" in a running bit about a News Show.
Who is KP
The central quest of Pokemon Dawn is to become the Champion. Due to its importance, the Player characters have several powerful rival teams competiting for the title. Name 10 living rivals and 3 team names
Team Hope: June, Winston, Chris, Mia
Team Wave: Isabella, Jonathan, Nikki, Danny
Team Resolve: Lucas, Julia, Caleb, April
Team Diet Rich Squad: Jacob (RIP)
As a child, Renata Glasc lost her arm doing this.
Attempting to save her parents from their burning home.
Each of the 18 pokemon types has "Average Stats" which represent the average total in each stat taken by calculating the average of each member of the species. For each of the 6 stats, name a type that has a top 3 average in that stat.
HP- Dragon, Ice, Normal
Attack- Fighting, Dragon, Dark
Defense- Steel, Rock, Dragon
Special Attack- Dragon, Psychic, Fire
Special Defense- Psychic, Fairy, Dragon
Speed- Flying, Electric, Dragon
The Homies often played Clash in League of Legends. After a few tries, they finally won a tournament (2 in a row in fact). Name the a champion each of the homies played they played in their 2 championships.
Saul: Seraphine or Viktor
Christian: Sett or Sett
KP: Pyke or Taric
Tommy: Neeko or Draven
Sam: Kayn or Master Yi