Different Homophones
There, Their, They're
To, Too, Two
Your and You're
More Homophones

I (here, hear) the bell ringing.

What is hear?


(There, their, they're) are two people in the room right now. (One, won) has (there, their, they're) shoes off.

What is there, one, and their?

I will take the bus (to, too, two) the game and will (tell, tail) you all about it tomorrow.

What is to and tell?


That is not (your, you're) book, but you can use it for this (our, hour).

What is your and hour?

Nora, the cat, shook (its, it's) mane, then ran (threw, through) the house.

What is its and through?


By the time Tammy arrived, Sally had (already, all ready) baked the chocolate chip cookies.

What is already?


(There, Their, They're) is still hope that (there, their, they're) dog will be found, so (there, their, they’re) offering a reward.

What is there, their, and they're?


I have (to, too, two) attend practice after school, but the (sole, soul) of my (right, write) foot hurts.

What is to, sole, and right?


(Your, You're) artwork is (to, too, two) fragile, (so, sew) it will be placed (in, inn) a case.

What is your, too, so, and in?


(Principal, Principle) Thomas is (quiet, quite) sure (there, their, they're) are books missing from the library.

What is principal, quite, and there?


Being (idol, idle) makes me unhappy, but listening to my (idol, idle) sing makes me happy.

What is idle and idol?


(There, Their, They're) is no shortage of candle (cents, scents) to choose from.

What is there and scents?


(To, Too, Two) make it to the playoffs, (our, hour) team just win the game against (your, you're) school tomorrow (night, knight).

What is to, our, your, and night?


(Your, You're) school (colors, collars) are (red, read) and (blew, blue). 

What is your, colors, red, and blue?


Connie is (allowed, aloud) (to, too, two) to make the cookie (doe, dough) in the school's kitchen as long as she doesn't (waist, waste) ingredients.

What is allowed, to, dough, and waste?


If the (heel, heal) (breaks, brakes) on your shoe, you might fall. However, your injuries will (heel, heal) over time, if 

What is heel, breaks, and heal?


Put the book over (there, their, they're) next to (there, their, they're) shelves because (there, their, they’re) going to put the books in order.

What is there, their, and they're?


(To, Too, Two) many people signed up (for, four) the race, (so, sew) the coach scheduled (to, too, two) more events.

What is too, for, so, and two?


(Your, You're) going (to, too, two) fast down the (hall, haul) carrying that (hole, whole) stack of books.

What is you're, too, hall, and whole?

Did you know a male deer over the age of five is called a (hart, heart)? I wonder if they have a big (hart, heart).

What is hart and heart?


The (night, knight) is on his way to the castle, but traveling at (night, knight) is very dangerous, especially if the (weather, whether) is (pour, poor).

What is knight, night, weather, poor?


(There, Their, They're) trip to the movies fell through because of the snow, (so, sow) they decided (to, too, two) tie (die, dye) shirts instead.

What is their, so, to, and dye?


You can go (to, too, two) the office and deliver (your, you're) permission slip (for, four) the dance after you (right, write) (your, you're) name on the board.

What is to, your, for, write, and your?


(Your, You're) walking down the (aisle, isle) first (to, too, two) receive a (pair, pear) of awards. 

What is you're, aisle, to and pair?


Tony started a (new, knew) job on Monday working (ate, eight) (hours, ours) a day on a ship at (sea, see),

What is new, eight, hours, and sea?
