You are at lunch and you spill your food. Do you blame others or try to help clean up?
Try to help clean up.
You notice your friends is carrying two juices in their hands on the way to class and you are empty handed. Is it best if you offer to cary one or continue as you were?
Help your friend by carrying one.
Your teammate doesn't make a point in the playground basketball game. The other team is still 2 points ahead of you. Do you scream to your mate what they should have done or do you offer encouragement for the next time?
Offer them encouragement and motivation.
The group is playing a game to review math. Every students is meant to participate once. By the end, the teachers has forgotten who has gone and you want to participate again. Do you say you have not gone or do you share how much you want to participate?
Tell the teacher that you really like the game and want to participate again.
Your mom wants you to eat the whole lunch but you usually throw it away. Do you continue to do this and waste food or do you try to eat more than often and show it to the teacher in charge?
Eat what you find possible and let the teacher know you tried your best but that you are full. You can even take the left over home.
You are in the hallway and see some lunchboxes in the middle of the hall. People could trip with them. Do you move them to the side or leave them in the middle?
Move them to the side.
You are in the hallway, and see the toys of a friend outside. Do you take them to play with them or ask permission first?
Ask permission first.