Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

What is context?

- background information given to enhance a topic/concept/plot/word/etc.


What is the meaning of assuage?

- to make less intense; reduce the severity of


What is the meaning of clemency?

- kind or lenient treatment


What is the meaning of proboscis?

- long, thin nose of an animal, or tubular mouth of an insect


What is the meaning of irresolute?

- cautious or uncertain


After she gave the lecture on molecular geometry, Dr. Jones realized that she would have to expound on the subject at greater length because the students looked confused and gave blank stares when she asked if there were any questions.

What is the meaning of the word expound as it is used in the sentence? 

- to explain in detail


What is the meaning of hew?

- to cut or chop with a sharp instrument


What is the meaning of solicitude?

- attentive concern or care


What is the meaning of bequeath?

- to bestow or leave by will; hand down or pass on


What is the meaning of surreptitiously?

- stealthily or secretively


What is explicit meaning?

- something directly stated


What is an archetype?

- a familiar, commonly used character/situation type used in stories


What factors make up narrative elements?

- plot

- characterization

- setting

- tone


What can word choice do?

- state an opinion

- depict a place

- recount an event

- facilitate communication with another character

*all with connotation/tone


How is a quick pace created in literature?

- little description

- focus on action


What is implicit meaning?

- something understood without being clearly stated


What is denotation?

What is connotation?

- the dictionary definition of a word

- the emotional feelings or ideas that are associated with a word


What makes up a character's perspective?

- attitudes

- values

- opinions


What is the meaning and purpose of ambiguity?

- having unclear or uncertain meaning, or having multiple interpretations

- allows many possible implied meanings


What is sarcasm in terms of literature?

- the use of mockery to impart contempt or criticism 


Don't leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.

Which option most effectively explains the implicit meaning of this stanza? 

- The speaker is deeply in love and feels as though his lover’s lack of passion is filling him with anguish and fruitless longing. 

- The speaker is deeply in love and feels as though his lover is not reciprocating, or is not feeling the same powerful emotions. 

- The speaker is deeply in love and feels as though his lover’s potential absence will cause him pain and suffering. 

- The speaker is deeply in love and feels as though his lover is not genuine, or is purposely leaving him in the dark. 

- The speaker is deeply in love and feels as though his lover’s potential absence will cause him pain and suffering.


What is an anaphora?

- a technique of repetition where the same words are repeated in several successive sentences for emphasis


What is the meaning and purpose of framing?

- used to lead one story, or plot, into another

- an introductory narrative is first presented to pave the way for a second narrative or a set of shorter narratives that form the main story


What is an inference in terms of literature?

- the gathering of explicitly stated evidence and other clues to arrive at a deeper implied meaning and intent


What is the meaning of irony in literature?

- a literary technique used to place emphasis or to create humor 

- the use of language that typically means the opposite of what is openly stated
