Compass Rose
A part of the map that shows direction
Seattle, WA
47°N, 123°W
What 4 elements/parts should a map have in order to be accurate and thorough?
Key, Scale, Title, Compass Rose
What farm animal kills more humans each year than sharks
They kill roughly 22 humans per years, sharks kill about 5
A part of the map that shows distance on the map in relation to real distance
London, England
50°N, 0°
Why is the Prime Meridian located where it is and not slightly East or West?
England decided that's where it went/to bring England money, fame, etc
What is the scientific/medical name for the kneecap?
Lines of Latitude
Imaginary lines that run horizontally around the earth and show distance from the equator
Newcastle, Australia
33°S, 152°E
What is the other name for lines of latitude?
Diamond is the strongest rock on Earth, what is the weakest (easiest to break)
Hint: it used to be used in a baby product
Prime Meridian
Starting line of longitude, runs vertically
Tomsk, Russia
55°N, 82°E
Send 2 people from your team up, they have 20 seconds to draw a world map with continent and ocean labels
......did they do it?
What do you call a group of ferrets?
Hint: many people work for these
A business
Half of the globe either divided by the equator or the prime meridian
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
9°N, 34°E
Name the only Theme of Geography that is not on the wall
What natural occurrence of the Earth affects the number of eggs ducks lay?
Hint: farmers simulate this occurrence artificially to get more eggs
Daylight/sunlight hours