Impulse Imparted
Elastic and Inelastic

A 4kg mass starts with a velocity of +2m/s to the right. An net impulse of +8Ns to the right is imparted on the 4kg mass. What is the change in momentum of the 4kg mass?



A 100kg Gorilla and a 400kg Rhino are sliding toward each other with the same speed of 5m/s. If they hug and move off together, what is their final speed?

3 m/s


Using an airbag is useful because it

a. reduces your change in momentum

b. reduces your impulse

c. increases time to stop you

d. increases the force required to stop you



Can a smaller mass object ever have more momentum than a larger mass object? If so how? If not, why not?

Yes, it could have more velocity, or positive velocity


A 4kg cart collides with a 2kg cart. How does the impulse on the 4kg cart compare to the impulse on the 2kg cart?

Equal and opposite


A net force of 50 N is exerted for 10 seconds on a 25kg mass initially at rest. What is the final speed of the 25kg mass?

20 m/s


A 2kg mass heads to the right with a speed of 3m/s and bounces off an initially stationary 4kg mass with a speed of 1m/s to the left. What is the final speed of the 4kg mass?

2m/s to the right


A 5kg ball is thrown rightward against the wall with a speed of 10m/s and bounces back with 10m/s. What was the impulse on the ball?



The impulse on an object is equal to

a. the net force on that object

b. the change in momentum of the object

c. the time of impact

d. the speed times time of impact



A mass 2kg is moving with a speed of 6m/s and collides and sticks to a 1kg mass at rest. After the collision the combined masses are going what velocity?



A mass M, initially at rest, has a net force F exerted on it for a time T and ends with a speed 10m/s. If the experiment were repeated but the net force is doubled, and the time the force is applied for is doubled, what would be the new final speed of the mass?



A 1kg mass heads to the right with a speed of 5m/s and bounces off an initially stationary 2kg mass with a speed of 3m/s to the left. 1. How fast is the 2kg mass moving after the collision?

4m/s to the right


Elastic collisions are different from inelastic collisions because elastic collisions

a. conserve total momentum

b. conserve total kinetic energy

c. do not conserver total momentum

d. do not conserve total kinetic energy



A 50kg person is at rest holding a 5kg bowling ball on frictionless ice. The person throws the bowling ball with a speed of 2m/s. What is the speed of the person after the throw?

0.2 m/s


A mass M moving with 6m/s strikes and sticks to an identical mass M. What is the speed of the combined masses after the collision?

3 m/s


A mass 2kg is dropped and falls for 5 seconds. What is the impulse imparted on the ball by the force of gravity during the free fall?

-98 Ns


A mass 3kg is moving to the right with a speed 6m/s and runs into a stationary mass 6kg. After the collision, the mass 3kg is moving to the left with a speed 2m/s. What is the speed and direction of the 6kg mass after the collision?

4m/s rightward


All else equal (mass/speeds), which would cause a greater impulse on your door? And explain why.

a. a ball that bounces off the door

b. clay that sticks to the door

c. Rock that hits the door and falls straight down

d. Arrow that goes through the door



A mass 4kg is moving with a speed 3m/s to the right, and a mass 2kg moves with a velocity of 2m/s to the left. If they collide and stick, what is the final velocity of the masses?

4/3 m/s


A mass M is moving with a speed of 5m/s and collides and sticks to a 4kg mass at rest. After the collision the combined masses are going 3m/s. What was the mass M?



A mass 2kg is moving to the right with a speed 4m/s. A mass 1kg is moving to the left with speed 20m/s. If the two masses stick together, what was the impulse imparted on the 2kg mass? (Give only the impulse on the 2kg mass alone)

-16 Ns


A mass 6kg is moving to the right with a speed 4m/s and runs into a stationary mass M. The masses stick together and move off to the right with a speed of 3m/s. What is the mass M?

2 kg


A 4kg mass falls for 5 seconds due to gravity. It then strikes the ground and stops. What was the impulse from the ground on the 4kg mass?

+196 Ns


A 4kg cart moving with a speed of 6m/s collides with a 2kg cart and they stick together. What was the impulse on the 4kg cart?



A 2kg mass moving with 4m/s has an impulse imparted on it of -14Ns. What is the final velocity of the 2kg mass?

-3 m/s
