This vital sign measures the force of blood against artery walls and is recorded as systolic over diastolic.
What is blood pressure?
This marine mammal, the largest on Earth, can grow up to 100 feet long.
What is the blue whale?
This term describes a market structure in which a single company dominates an industry with no close competitors.
What is a monopoly?
What is the output of this code snippet?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
What is: 1 2 3 4 5 ?
President Tim Cost was the VP of this company before coming to JU?
What is Pepsi Co?
This type of medication is used to lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.
What is insulin?
The practice of protecting marine species and habitats from human impact is known as this field of study.
What is marine conservation?
The shape of this component of the aircraft’s wing helps to create lift by altering the flow of air over the surface.
What is an airfoil?
This is one of the most popular viruses of all time
What is a the ILOVEYOU Virus or Love Bug?
This is the only continent that contains territory in all four hemispheres.
What is Africa?
The largest organ in the human body, this structure plays a key role in temperature regulation and protection.
What is the skin?
The sunlit top layer of the ocean, where most marine life is found, is called this.
What is the epipelagic zone?
The term for the rotation of an aircraft around its vertical axis.
What is yaw?
This is the IP address associated with this binary:
What is
This country has the most natural lakes in the world.
What is Canada?
This famous nurse was known for founding the American Red Cross.
Who is Clara Barton?
This process, used by deep-sea hydrothermal vent organisms, converts inorganic compounds like hydrogen sulfide into energy.
What is chemosynthesis?
An extended period of rising stock prices is known as this type of market.
What is a bull market?
This is a way to execute exception handling in C++.
What is try-catch?
The year Jacksonville University was founded.
What is 1934?
The abbreviation "PRN" on a medication order means this.
What is "as needed"?
This controversial fishing method, known for high bycatch rates, involves dragging large weighted nets along the seafloor.
What is bottom trawling?
Above FL 410 what type of oxygen mask is required if there are two pilots at the controls and must be able to be placed with one hand in the ready position in 5 seconds?
What is a quick-donning oxygen mask
What are the names of JU's two dolphin mascots?
Who are Nellie & Dunkin?