Educational Support Programs
Career Services
Helen Hardin Honors College
Center for Writing & Communication
Other Resources

This is the fee for tutoring UofM students



This is the name of the platform that allows students to schedule career advising appointments, view and register for events, and search for internship and career positions. 

TigerLink powered by Handshake


This is the number of service hours satisfied by a 3-credit Honors course



As a student, do you have to have started writing an assignment in order to visit the CWC?

No, consultants can help you before you begin writing whether it’s to better understand the assignment sheet, brainstorm topic ideas, draft an outline, or revise a draft if you’ve already begun your work. 


This is the on-campus resource that aims to reduce stress and practice self care. Here, you can find relaxing, creative activities such as coloring and massage chairs.

Relaxation Zone


True or False: Appointments are mandatory

False, walk-ins are welcome


Name 1 of 5 topics a Career Specialist can advise you on

Major and Career Exploration/Planning, Document Review (resume, etc.), Job/Internship Search Strategies, Mock Interviews, Graduate/Professional School Planning


What is the number of Honors courses that are recommended each Honors student completes per academic year?



What will your consultant NOT discuss?

Grades or any type of instructor evaluation


This is the on-campus resource that offers up to 12 free individual therapy sessions per academic year, various group therapy sessions focused on specific issues like anxiety, burn out, and chronic conditions, and couples therapy. 

Counseling through the Counseling Center


True or False: Being a tutor can count towards the satisfaction of scholarship service hours



What must you do prior to the start of your internship to receive college credit?

Register for an internship course


Name 2 Honors experiences

Upper-division Departmental or College honors courses, Upper-division UNHP courses, Graduate level courses (if participating in bachelor's/master's accelerated degree program), Honors independent study of at least 3 credit hours to an honors thesis, Upper-division honors course by contract, Study Abroad, Internship


As a student, will your professor automatically know that you visited the CWC?

Not automatically; You have the option of having an email that includes a summary of the topics we covered during your appointment sent to your professor or instructor to confirm that you visited the CWC.


This is the on-campus resource that gives students food items, basic household items, basic toiletries, and feminine products for free in times of need.

Tiger Pantry


The tutor training program consists of this many hours



Name 2 types of on-campus events hosted by Career Services

Career Fair Prep, Career Fair, Career Closet, Business Etiquette Info Session, Pro-Ready Networking, HR Tips, Professionalism Info Session


What is the responsibility of an Honors student?

It is the responsibility of members of the Honors College to keep track of their progress of meeting requirements for "good standing" and to graduate with "University Honors."  


Walk-ins are welcome, but they are not given as much time in a consultation as appointments. What amount of time is given to each type of consultation?

30 minutes for walk-ins, 45 minutes for appointments.


This is the on-campus resource that offers access to health care services such as doctor visits, flu shots, family planning, and HIV testing. 

Student Health Center


This is the number of Learning Centers ran by the ESP

7; 6 are in person and 1 is online


This is the percent discount AND store at which students can purchase professional attire during the Tiger Suit-Up Event.

30% off at JCPenney


Name 3 topics the Honors College staff can discuss during an Honors Advising Appointment

Honors College Program Requirements, Requirements to Graduate with University Honors, Honors Admissions Requirements & Process, Honors Course Options, Honors Thesis, Undergraduate Research, The Washington Center Internship Program, National Student Exchange, Scholarship Service Hours, Honors Study Abroad Trip, Opportunities Outside the Classroom 


Name two ways the CWC offers students help, outside of consultations concerning school assignments.

Public speaking, writing a statement of purpose for a graduate school application, presenting at a conference, developing a resume, writing a cover letter, drafting a letter to the editor, or working on any other type of composition or presentation.


This is the on-campus resource that coordinates services for students' rights: initiating contact, establish working relationships with District Attorneys' Offices, provide emergency assistance in the immediate aftermath of a crime, provide continuous support to minimize associated trauma, facilitate participation in the criminal justice system, and the university's process. 

Office of Victim Services
