Gives us something to strive for, motivation, and keeps us on a path!
What is the importance of setting goals??
What is the deadliest type of skin cancer?
Smokeless Tobbacco
What leads to cancer of the mouth?
Health advocate
Influences others to make healthy choices.
Anabolic Steroids
What cause mood swings, body acne, and liver disease?
Measurable, Attainable, and Deadline Driven!
What is the MAD criteria used for goal setting in HOPE.
Prostate Cancer
Whats the number one killer of men?
What is the additive property in cigarettes?
What is selling using false claims
What builds and repairs cells?
Provide energy to the body and brain
What do Carbohydrates do?
Heart Disease
What is the leading cause of death in the US?
Fetal Alcohol Disorder.
What does drinking during pregnancy cause?
Conflict Resoultion
What is the name of the process involving solving problems with others.
Food label
Where are calories and other important information about food listed?