Romanticism focuses on something that constantly surrounds us.
What is nature?
The British artist responsible for works like "The Hay Wain".
Who is John Constable?
The land feature that is famously extremely flat and that can be depicted in John Constable's "The Hay Wain".
What are plains?
The century that the American Romanticism Era took place in.
What is the 19th century?
The usage of these three colors is commonly found most prominently in Romantic Art.
What are blue, gray and brown?
The German artist that is responsible for works like "Wanderer Above the Sea Fog".
Who is Caspar (David) Friedrich?
The land feature that was covered in fog in Caspar David Friedrich's most iconic art piece.
What is the sea?
The American event that is largely associated with the Romanticism Era.
What is Manifest Destiny?
These contrast of these two color vibrancies is commonly found in Romantic Art.
What are light and dark?
The French artist that is responsible for works like "Liberty Leading the People".
Who is Eugène Delacroix?
The combination of a land and water feature that is commonly associated with romantic artworks.
What are waterfalls?
The period of religious freedom that the Romanticism Era appeared in the middle of.
What is the Age of Enlightenment?
The use of these two types of colors presents a unique experience when viewing Romantic Art.
What are complementary and vivid colors?
The American group of artists responsible for works like "Kindred Spirits".
What is the Hudson River School?
The mountain range that was commonly depicted in an American art groups works.
What are the Rocky Mountains?
The country that is widely believed to have started the Romanticism movement.
What is Germany?
The word that is used to define the Romantic movement and artworks.
What is idyll?
The French artist responsible for works like "The Raft of the Medusa".
Who is Théodore Géricault?
The valley basin that an American art group used to create their name.
What is the Hudson River Valley?
The president in the projected beginning of the American Romanticism Era.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?