Care Organizer
Admin Rx & IV Manage
HED & Care Alerts
Do you use Instructions or Comments to enter a Nursing Communication order?
Instructions prompt
In Care Organizer window, STAT orders display in which color?
If you change a quantity to an amount that exceeds the maximum medication dose:
You are allowed to override and give the dosage amount, provided policy is followed.
What do you click to display all the classes available for a chartable review?
Show All button above the (Vertical) Navigation Panel
How long after a patient is admitted to complete Admission history?
4 hours
You can modify a Lab or Rad order that has been final-accepted. (True or False)
What is Care Organizer used for?
Kardex;Viewing Orders;Work list; Patient Census
If a warning message displays when charting medications, you should:
Not administer the medication, then check the chart to verify it is the right medication, dose, time, route and patient.
What would you click on to inactive a result in the Result Detail window?
Clear Results button
What is the panel next to the charting screen referred to?
Navigation Panel
If an order-entry session in Horizon Expert Orders unexpectedly ends or times out:
The orders are Journaled and can be retrieved.
The use of the Windows exit (X) or the Log Out on the Care Organizer Menu bar is an acceptable method for logging off the system? (True or False)
If you end an IV administration before the total volume has been infused, the remaining volume is?
automatically recorded in the "Discard" field on the IV charting window.
In HED Review Mode, you need to Cosign an individual result. What do you select?
Click the result, then click to Cosign in the Result Detail window.
What does there is No Icon mean?
Confirmed and Completed or Not confirmable charting
RNs will have to activate these orders and should not rely on their worklist upon receiving a new patient on the floor/unit. (True or False)
What is the difference between the To do display vs Active display?
To do you only see the nurses scheduled orders for the shift. Active is a mere image of Horizon Expert Orders.
You have just added and charted a STAT order of Furosemide, and your chart window displays a yellow warning "No Med Order Found". To get rid of the "No Med Order Found" warning what should you do before Saving and Confirming the charted administration?
Click the Override button, and indicate the override reason is STAT ORDER.
How can you view the actual message of a Horizon Care Alert?
Click the Alerts icon next to the Allergy button in HED or Click the Care Alerts tab in HED
What is clicking the box called View Detail Panel?
To see the detail behind an allergy or medication
What is the process for ordering blood for a patient going to surgery?
oSelect Patient oClick on enter Orders on the Care Organizer Tool Bar oSelect Order Type oSelect Correct Clinician (Note: Important to correctly enter correct Clinician) oType Blood in Search oClick on Blood Orders Outline oClick on blood product to be on hold for surgery (For example: 2 Units RBC) oClick on For Surgery Prompt oIf Surgery Date known enter date oIf comments enter those oThe type and cross is atomically entered with product order no need to order a type and cross or type and screen. oOnly order a type and screen if there is a possibility that blood maybe ordered.
Where do I look on Care Organizer to see the last time a PRN med was given?
The Display Area of the Care Organizer, will display the last given PRN med if you are in the To DO display option.
You are in Review Mode within AdminRx for a patient. You want to quickly review all active PRN orders for the patient. To do this, you would?
Click Review Med Order
In HED, Patient display window what would you click to view the Patient Details for a Patient?
The magnigying glass icon
What does the General Tab in Home Medication Screen show?
Dose, Route, Frequency of medication