Coping Skills
DBT Skills
Mindfulness Skills
True or False
Fun Facts

Name 3 healthy coping skills.

exercise, journaling, breathing techniques, hobbies, talking with a friend or family member


What does DBT stand for?

dialectical behavior therapy


What is mindfulness?

a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.


If someone in your family has a mental illness, you will also be diagnosed with a mental illness.

False. Although some illnesses seem to have a genetic link, just because someone in your family has a mental illness does not mean that you will have one, too. Everybody has their own genetic makeup and you are an individual.


How tall was the tallest man on record?

8 feet 11 inches


True or False: there are healthy and unhealthy coping skills.

True, some coping skills can be unhealthy or unhelpful


What is emotional regulation?

a person's ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience.


What are benefits of mindfulness?

reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and cope with chronic pain

If you have a mental illness, you have it for life.

False. Some mental illnesses will need to be managed throughout your life, but some illnesses are treatable and you are able to conquer them.


What states make up the four corners?

Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.


Why is it important to have healthy coping skills?

They help you tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful situations in life.


What is distress tolerance?

Distress tolerance is a person's ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress. It also involves being able to make it through an emotional incident without making it worse. People who have low distress tolerance tend to become overwhelmed by stressful situations and may sometimes turn to unhealthy or even destructive ways of coping with these difficult emotions.


What is belly breathing?

Belly breathing is a technique that helps you focus on your diaphragm, a muscle in your belly. By “training” your diaphragm to open up your lungs, you can help your body breathe more efficiently. 


Exercise can boost your mental health.

True. Exercise releases a bunch of “feel-good” chemicals in our body that help us fight against sad days or days when our mental health seems not-sopositive.


How old is the world's oldest tortoise?

190 years old


True or false: substance abuse, emotional eating, isolation, and risky behaviors are examples of unhealthy coping skills.

True, these are examples of unhealthy coping skills. 


What is interpersonal effectiveness?

Interpersonal effectiveness refers to the skills which help us to:

  • Attend to relationships
  • Balance priorities versus demands
  • Balance the ‘wants’ and ‘shoulds’
  • Build a sense of mastery and self-respect

What is a body scan?

It is paying attention to parts of the body and bodily sensations in a gradual sequence from feet to head.


What you eat does NOT affect how you feel.

False. Proper nutrition is incredibly important for mental health. If you eat well, you help get proper nutrients to your brain and that helps you get into a positive state of mental health.


Name the only mammal that can fly?

A bat


What are the five types of coping skills?

problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, social support, religious coping, and meaning making.


What is the wise mind, emotional mind, and reasonable mind?

The wise mind refers to a balance between the reasonable and emotional halves. The emotional mind is used when feelings control a person’s thoughts and behavior. The reasonable mind is when a person approaches a situation intellectually.


What is guided imagery?

Guided imagery is a relaxation technique that involves dwelling on a positive mental image or scene. It utilizes all 5 senses. 


Sleep is important for mental health.

True. Kids aged 7-12 need about 11 hours of sleep per night and teens and adults need 8-9 hours of sleep per night for brain development, rest and positive mental health.


What is the hardest working muscle in your body?

Your heart
