Who wrote the novel Frankenstein and in what year?
Mary Shelley - 1818
What had the madness done for the narrator's senses?
"The madness had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute..."
Where is the boogeyman hiding and what evil acts does it do?
He is hiding in the closet.
He kills Lester Billings three children.
Who directed Psycho (1960)?
Alfred Hitchcock
He's okay, if you don't get him mad.... and you like green.
The Hulk
Who is Victor Frankenstein?
Victor Frankenstein is the protagonist. He is an Italian-Swiss scientist (born in Naples, Italy) who, after studying chemical processes and the decay of living things, gains an insight into the creation of life and gives life to his own creature. Victor later regrets meddling with nature through his creation, as he inadvertently endangers his own life and the lives of his family and friends when the creature seeks revenge against him.
During the week before the narrator killed the old man, how did he act towards him?
"I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him."
Why does Mina say: ""Unclean, unclean! I must touch him or kiss him no more. Oh, that it should be that it is I who am now his worst enemy, and whom he may have most cause to fear."
She has been bitten by Dracula and is afraid of becoming a vampire herself.
Name and origin of the monster in Sinister
Buhguul. Bagul is a pagan god dating back to Babylonian times, and well, he's not a benevolent deity. Kidnapping children.
A giant monster that only had one eye.
A Cyclops
Why does Frankenstein's monster seek revenge?
Victor Frankenstein successfully brings it to life, but he is horrified by the creature's ugliness. He flees from his creation, who disappears and, after several negative encounters with the locals, swears revenge on his creator (who neglected him from birth).
What does the "Tell-Tale" heart in the story symbolize? What about the eye of the old man?
. . .
What is Dracula compared to (in the excerpt)?
A wild beast and the devil
What is Norman's hobby?
Norman is an amateur taxidermist. He says he likes stuffing birds because they are "curious" and "passive," and several of his birds are displayed in the mote
This monster grows more heads if you cut one of its heads off.
Who is the monster of the story? (Explain the Frankenstein meme)
For how many nights did the narrator look in upon the old man?
"...and I did this for seven long nights--every night just at midnight-every night just at twelve...Upon the eighth night I was more than usually cautious in opening the door."
What is the name of the now famous monster hunter who chases Dracula out of the Harker's house?
Van Helsing
When Lila and Sam come snooping around, where does Norman hide his mother?
When Norman attacks Sam, Lila hides in the fruit cellar, where she discovers Mrs. Bates--a mummified corpse!
A small stone killed this one by someone who was just looking for a lost donkey.
Why is the subtitle of the novel The Modern Prometheus? How is it connected with the novel?
Named after the Greek myth of the god Prometheus. This Greek god steals the sacred fire of Mount Olympus and gifts it to humanity.
The supreme god Zeus condemns Prometheus to eternal punishment for his treachery against the gods.
Victor Frankenstein certainly seems like the moderne Prometheus - he dares to give to humans what had belonged only to God: immortality. No longer are life and death a matter of God's will: they are the byproduct of human learning and the outcome of human endeavor and intention.
Why couldn't the narrator kill the old man on the first night?
"...but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye."
What does the Boogeyman say to Lester Billings at the end of the story?
"So nice..."
In what order does Norman murder his victims?
1) Norman murdered Mrs. Bates and her lover ten years ago out of jealousy. 2) Norman murdered Marion in the shower. 3) Norman murered Milton Arbogast when he came asking about Marion.
A monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature composed of different animal parts. Typically, it is depicted as a lion with a goat's head protruding from its back and a tail ending with a snake's head.