The brush we use to clean a horses hoof
How we tell a horse to stop
The name for the foot of a horse
When cleaning a stall, what is something we shouldn’t take out?
The brush we use first in order to get most of the dirt and dander off
curry comb
Name a way we can tell a horse to go
Clicking, tapping with whip
The sensitive tissue in a horses hoof
What is something we never do near horses?
Run, yell, etc
Somewhere we never stand when grooming a horses tail
Behind the horse
What is the difference between our inside hand/leg and our outside hand/leg
Inside is towards the center, outside is to the wall
Name a part of a horse’s leg
Elbow, forearm, gaskin, hock, knee, cannon, fetlock, ergot, pastern, cornet
What are horses measured in?
mane, tail, hoof, etc.
What is the term for going up and down as you are trotting?
When we are measuring a horse, where do we measure to?
Name a way we can exercise a horse that isnt riding
Driving, lunging, lining