The long flowy part at the back of the horse (This part has no nerves)
What is the tail
The date in which all 4-H members must be enrolled with the county extension office in the 4-H Horse Project is _____________?
What is June 1st.
Units of measurement for horses. It is 4 inches.
What is a hand?
A baby girl horse is called _____________.
What is a filly?
The part that goes on first
Vaccination for rabies is required for all horses over _____ months of age?
Part of a horse usually used as a measuring point. It's very boney when riding bareback.
What is the withers?
Foundation of a saddle is _____________.
What is tree?
The part that holds a saddle on the horse.
What is the Girth
The minimum score to be considered for advancement from roundup to districts in Open Trail is ________?
What is 55?
Part of the horse's leg where hair (or feathering) grow. It's the joint just above the hoof.
What is the fetlock?
Leather western clothing that protects the legs while riding.
What are chaps?
The part you hook the girth to.
What is the Billets
Knocking over a pole or barrel incurs a _______ second penalty?
What is 5?
A joint on the horse's rear leg that sticks out.
What is the hock?
A slow western trot is ___________.
What is a jog?
A bitless bride is called ____________.
What is a hackamore or Bosal?
In hunt seat equitation over fences, if riding a horse over 14.2 hands, the jumps will be about this height?
What is three feet?
Part on a horse's head where the crown piece of the bridle rests, just behind the ears.
What is the poll?
English riding pants.
What are breeches?
The part you put your foot into.
What is the stirrup?