Mature female horse at least 3 years old
What is Mare?
Customary unit of measure for a horse's height (4 inches)
What is hand?
A term used to describe the way a horse moves
What is gait?
A reddish brown horse with reddish, brown mane and tail
What is Sorrel?
Horse's feet
What are hooves?
Newborn member of the horse family
What is Foal?
All the equipment and gear used to ride
What is tack?
The fastest gait of a horse
What is Gallop?
A brown horse with black legs, mane and tail.
What is Bay?
The long hair on the neck of a horse
What is Mane?
Mature male castrated horse at least 3 years old
What is Gelding?
A term used for a healthy horse
What is sound?
Four beat gait where each foot hits the ground independently. The slowest gait of a horse.
What is Walk?
Born dark with dark skin. Hair becomes whiter with age until pure white
What is Gray?
The horse's lips, mouth, and nose
What is Muzzle?
Horse between the age of 12 months and 2 years of age
What is Yearling?
A term used for an injured horse
What is Lame?
Two beat diagonal gait where the horse’s legs work in diagonal pairs. This gait is faster than a walk.
What is Trot?
A light to dark yellow color with black mane and tail
What is Buckskin?
The long hairs that grow from the dock of a horse
What is Tail?
Young horse typically between 6-12 months
What is Weanling?
The "points" on a horse (4)
What is tail, mane, tops of ears, and lower legs?
Three beat gait that is faster than a trot
What is Canter?
A mixture of white and black hairs
What is Blue Roan?
The highest part of the back of a horse behind the neck and between the shoulders
What is Withers?