How many days can a horse survive without water?
Only a few (approximately 2).
Name one of the two main sources of energy.
Carbohydrates or fats
What is one good source of protein for horses?
Legumes: alfalfa, soybeans, and seed meals. These can be fed as dried supplements also.
What amount of vitamins do horses need daily?
Very small - minute
Where do most horses get minerals?
Mineral blocks or a mixed ration with mineral supplements
What is considered a clean source of water: a lake or pond, a mud puddle, a tub of water that is cleaned and filled frequently?
A tub of water that is cleaned or filled frequently.
Give one example of a simple carbohydrate.
1. green, lush grass
2. molasses
3. grain
Proteins make up a "chain" of many smaller parts, called what?
Amino Acids
Name two types of vitamins.
Water soluble and fat soluble.
What are the two types of minerals?
Macro-minerals or trace minerals
How much of an adult horse's body weight should be made up of water?
65 to 75%
Give one example of a complex carbohydrate.
1. Mature pasture
2. Hay
Amino acids are referred to as the "_______ _______" of the body.
Building Blocks
What happens if a horse is given too many vitamins?
It can be toxic.
Which type of mineral do horses only need a small amount?
Micro or Trace minerals
How much water loss can be fatal to a horse?
Give one example of a fat source.
Rice bran, Soybeans, Flax seeds, or Vegetable or corn oil
Name three things that amino acids are responsible for building in the body?
Skin, bone, muscle, blood, hooves, hair,
What works naturally in the horse's digestive tract to produce vitamins?
Name one example of a macro-mineral?
calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, and chloride
What are three important things that water does for the horse's body?
Regulates temperature, transports nutrients to cells, transports waste from cells, Lubricates and protects the body, is necessary for life and shape of cells
How much more usable energy does digested fats produce than carbohydrates or proteins?
2.25 times as much energy
What percent of a horse's daily ration should be made of protein?
8 to 15%
What are the only two vitamins that a horse cannot produce on its on?
Vitamin A and vitamin E
Name one example of a trace mineral?
copper, zinc, iron, manganese, iodine, selenium, and cobalt