What was 5 in the body condition score?
What does PZP stand for?
Porcine Zona Pellucida
Who manages the wild horse population?
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
What is a foal?
Baby horse
What is Briana's Last name
Name an area where fat deposits in a horse?
What is PZP and what kind?
Yes Birthcontrol, but Immunocontraception mainly
What where the two states they gathered data from?
Utah and Colorado
How long is gestation?
11 months
How long was this study ?
8 years
What does BCM Stand for?
Body condition score
What is PZP made of?
made from proteins in the pigs ovaries
Why is this a welfare issue?
b/c they are destroying land which then affects them because they create risks like dehydration and starvation.
Nope :)
What is the zona pellucida?
the membrane of an un fertilized mammalian egg.
Did PZP impact the mares BCS?
What other animal has PZP been used on?
White tail deer
African Elephants
Prairie dogs
Zoo Speciess
How did they gather the group of horses?
Whats the name for a male foal?
Whats the family name of horses?
Equidae, Equid
What affected the mares BCS in this study ?
What is immunocontraception and how does it work?
-birth control method that uses the bodys immune response to prevent pregnancy
- antigens block entrance of sperm into Zona pellucida
What location gathered twice in this study?
CM or SWB?
Cedar Mountain
What did foals do to the mares BCS?
it lowered due to lactation and stuff