Children & Nature
Community Gardens
Plant pourri
The Basics
Horticultural Therapy
The ____ ___ _____ _____ provides support for groups of individuals who want to get their children out into the outdoors.
What is Children & Nature Network?
On the mission statement page of the ACGA website, they state that community gardening improves people's _________________ by providing a catalyst to multiple community and personal benefits.
What is quality of life?
a. the inability to appreciate the aesthetic and unique biological features of plants b. the misguided ranking of plants as inferior to animals, leading to the conclusion that plants are unworthy of human consideration c. the inability to see or notice plants in one's own environment d. the inability to recognize the importance of plants in the biosphere and in human affairs
What is plant blindness?
____________ is all about people-plant interactions?
What is sociohorticulture?
The goal of horticultural therapy is to improve quality of life through the short-term goal of ____________, and the long-term goal of ____________.
What is adaptation and rehabilitation?
In one generation, the frequency of child obesity has _________.
What is tripled?
According to the article "Community Gardening and Obesity", gardening ______ ______, ______ ______ ______, and ______ _____ ________.
What is Improves diet.; Increases physical activity; and Increases self-esteem?
Increase ability to focus attention and decrease mental fatigue; Reduce violence and enhance positive interactions with neighbors/community; Reduce stress; Induce a calming response.
What are psychological and physiological responses to plants? (Lohr & Relf, 2000)??
Five multinational corporations control what percentage of global food trade?
What is 80%?
______ and _____ are examples of horticulture therapy programs in Texas that were mentioned during the course.
What are Down Home Ranch or Brookwood Community?
Kids spend ______ of their time indoors. (C&N Movement)
What is 90%?
____ _____ the act of gardening on land that the gardeners do not have the legal rights to cultivate, such as abandoned sites, areas that are not being cared for, or private property.
What is guerrilla gardening?
The oldest designed gardens were not primarily places to grow food and enjoy flowers. They were works of art based on ____ ___ ____ ideas.
What is religious and philosophical?
The practice of growing plants in a soil-less medium fed with liquid nutrients.
What is hydroponics?
In what ways does horticultural therapy differ from traditional gardening?
What is "horticultural therapy programs are professionally developed, structured and administered"?
What are the different types of people (tools) in the JMG program?
What are shovels; wind chimes; working gloves; watering cans?
Community gardens were discussed as a mechanism through which individuals and communities preserved, expressed, and affirmed their ______.
What is culture?
Studies on interior plants and on tree canopies determined that these plants are effective at reducing _______ ______. (Lohr & Relf, 2000)
What are airborne pollutants?
Where does JMG primarily take place?
What are public and private elementary schools?
An alarming public health threat that is most likely experienced by urban dwellers? (Reflect & Restore, 2014)
What is chronic stress?
Who gets the least amount of time outdoors? (Get Hooked on Nature) -- chickens, prisoners, or children?
Who are children?
Another purpose or benefit of community gardening is access to food to promote ____ _______. For a household to be considered ____ ______, all household members must “have consistent, dependable access to enough food for active, healthy living.”
What is food security / food secure?
Investing in landscaping has the general effect of increasing consumer spending, perceived value, and property value across multiple settings (retail, housing, tourism). (Hall & Dickson, 2011). On average, the ROI from landscaping is _________.
What is $1.09 for every $1 spent?
___ ___ ___ supports high-stakes testing (STAAR, TEKS), and improves science achievement (STEM) test scores.
What is JMG?
What is a main reason that Horticultural Therapy is so effective in improving an individual’s psychological, social, and emotional condition?
What is "Growing a plant allows people to be responsible for the life of another creature, possibly for the first time."?