The grade Julia is currently in.
What is 12th grade.
What are the HOSA colors
The organ in which insulin is made.
What is the pancreas?
This healthcare professional helps people maintain their overall health by performing regular check-ups and treating common illnesses
What is a physician/doctor?
What is a vegetable that can supposedly give someone nightvision?
Name one club Mira is apart of (other than HOSA)
Accepted answers: Pickleball Club, key club, HEROES Club, NHS
What is HOSA's full name
what is 'HOSA-Future Health Profressionals'
What is a protein.
This health professional provides care to patients recovering from injuries or surgeries by teaching exercises to improve mobility and strength.
What is a physical therapist?
Who discovered penicillin?
Alexander Flemming
When was HOSA founded?
These are the four bases found in RNA
What are Uracil, Guanine, Cytosine, and Adenine?
This healthcare worker helps people manage their diet and nutrition, advising on healthy eating habits and creating meal plans for patients with specific medical conditions?
What is a dietician (or nutritionist)?
This fruit contains small amounts of a chemical also found in dynamite
Ria will be attending ____ next year (what college?)
What is University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
What city is SLC held?
A fluid made of mostly water and white blood cells
What is plasma?
This healthcare worker assists doctors by taking blood samples, performing lab tests, and analyzing results.
What is a medical laboratory technician?
In Gainesville Georgia, it is illegal to eat this food with a fork.
Fried Chicken
What college did Ms. Stallworth Go to?
Queen's University
What are acceptable options of clothing for HOSA events
Business attire, medical scrubs, or polo and Khakis
The spine is _____ to the ribcage (use directional terms)
What is medial?
This healthcare professional specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the eyes, prescribing glasses or contact lenses, and performing eye exams.
What is an optometrist?
In Switzerland, it is illegal to own just one of this social animal because they get lonely.
Guinea Pigs