AMA stands for...
American Medical Association
A person who takes x-rays, ultrasounds, and similar tests?
Parkinson's is a disorder of what body system?
Nervous System
emesis means...
The number of bones in the human body...
HOSA stands for...
Health Occupations Students of America
An pediatrician is...
a doctor for children
Disease related to insulin deficiency
The strongest bone in the body...
femur/thigh bone
The system responsible for human growth...
endocrine system
PHS stands for...
Principles of Health Science
A veterinarian is...
doctor for animals
Psoriasis is...
a skin condition characterized by itchy, flaking skin with red patches.
The medical term for fingers...
What are the HOSA colors?
Red, White, Blue
A&P stands for...
Anatomy and Physiology
An opthamologist is...
doctor of the eyes
Inflammation of your gums...
The biggest bone in your heel...
Where are HOSA Nationals (2022?)
Tennessee Grand Resort
BMI stands for...
Body Mass Index
An oncologist is...
doctor for cancer treatment
The leading cause of death in the United States...
Heart Disease or Cardiovascular Disease
Necrosis means...
death of tissue