Teamwork Events
Health Science Events
Leadership Events
Health Professions Events
Emergency Preparedness Events

What is Biomedical Debate?

Biomedical Debate provides members with the opportunity to use debate as a platform for researching the pros and cons of a biomedical issue and showcasing what has been learned. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 3-4 people. Team members will participate in the Round One written test containing questions about the annual biomedical topic. The teams with the highest average score from the test will qualify for the Round Two debate(s). This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals by researching a given health topic, evaluating, discussing, and thinking critically about the issue, and refining verbal communication skills surrounding a complex biomedical issue.


What is Behavioral Health?

Behavioral Health provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills surrounding psychology, the mind, mental health, and substance use disorders. This competitive event consists of a written test with a tiebreaker essay question. This event aims to inspire members to learn about and promote mental health resilience as well as learn how to support those in recovery, their families, and the health community.


What is Healthy Lifestyle?

Healthy Lifestyle provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to understand healthy living and the impact on health throughout the life span. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds. Round One is a written, multiple choice test and the top scoring competitors will advance to Round Two for a presentation. In addition, each competitor will focus on one personal healthy lifestyle goal and document his or her efforts in a personalized portfolio. This event aims to inspire members to learn more about health literacy topics and to develop healthy habits for a lifetime.


What is Dental Science?

Dental Science provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for dental careers. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds. Round One is a written, multiple-choice test and the top scoring competitors will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to learn more about careers in the dental field.


What is CPR/First Aid?

CPR/First Aid provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for team first aid and basic life support. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 2 people. Round One is a written, multiple-choice test and the top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and be equipped with the skills to provide immediate, life-saving actions in the absence of emergency services.


What is Medical Innovation?

Medical Innovation provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to impact the future of health and or the delivery of healthcare through the development of a new medical innovation. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 2-4 people. In Round One, judges will evaluate the created medical innovation and the top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the oral presentation. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals by sharing their medical innovation, understanding, and outcomes with others.


What is Dental Terminology?

Dental Terminology provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills regarding language common to all dental careers and specialties. This competitive event consists of a written test with tiebreaker questions. This event aims to inspire members to learn about dental terminology, physiology, and pathophysiology.


What is Researched Persuasive Writing and Speaking?

Researched Persuasive Writing and Speaking provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for researching a health issue, preparing written documentation supporting a thesis, and presenting information orally. This competitive event requires competitors to develop a speech and written paper, either for or against, the provided annual health topic.


What is Physical Therapy?

Physical Therapy provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for assisting patients with recovery. This competitive consists of 2 rounds. Round One is a written, multiplechoice test and top scoring competitors will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire HOSA members to learn more about physical therapy concepts and techniques.


What is Epidemiology?

Epidemiology provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge about health and disease in populations. This competitive event consists of a written examination of concepts related to the study of epidemiology with a tiebreaker essay question. Competitors are expected to recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply these concepts in a multiple-choice test. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and improve their scientific literacy as well as provide insights into public health careers.


What is Creative Problem Solving?

Creative Problem Solving provides members with the opportunity to analyze the problem-solving process and to work as a team to apply their problem-solving skills in creating a solution to a hypothetical health or HOSA-related problem. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 3-4 people. Round One will consist of a written test and the score will be used to qualify the team for Round Two. In Round Two teams will be given a potential problem related to HOSA, the health community, or a specific health issue and have 30 minutes to analyze the problem. At the end of the preparation time, teams will have eight (8) minutes to present their solution to a panel of judges. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and utilize higher order thinking to solve complex challenges.


What is Medical Math?

Medical Math provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to identify, solve, and apply mathematical principles. This competitive event consists of a written test with tiebreaker questions. This event aims to inspire members to learn about the integration of mathematics in health care, including temperature, weights, and measures used in the health community.


What is Research Poster?

Research Poster provides HOSA members with the opportunity to think critically about a health-related issue in their community; pose a research question surrounding the chosen topic; and conduct research on that topic. All competitors will develop a Research Poster showcasing their findings and present their research to a panel of judges.


What is Medical Assisting?

Medical Assisting provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to assist in administrative and clinical tasks. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds. Round One is a written, multiple-choice test and the top scoring competitors will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to become allied health professionals who respond and assist efficiently in clinical settings.


What is Public Health?

Public Health provides HOSA members with the opportunity to develop an effective, dynamic, and creative presentation that informs the public about an important public health issue. The team consists of 2-6 members. The event consists of two rounds. In the initial round the team has the opportunity to convince a panel of judges of the need to view their entire presentation. The highest scoring teams will advance to Round Two where a panel of judges will view the entire presentation. The event aims to inspire members to be proactive health professionals by producing a presentation that educates the public about a selected public health topic.


What is Forensic Science?

Forensic Science provides HOSA members with the opportunity to work as a team to apply their knowledge and skills in creating a solution to a forensic science-related problem. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of 2 people. Round One is a written test and will evaluate the team’s understanding of forensic science. The test score from Round One will be used to qualify the team for Round Two. In Round Two, teams will be given a case study to analyze that may include physical evidence and written information such as police reports and an autopsy. Teams will have six (6) minutes to view the “crime scene” and thirty (30) minutes to write their conclusions with supporting evidence. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and critically examine elements of a forensic case.


What is Medical Spelling?

Medical Spelling provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills regarding definitions and spelling of medical terms. This competitive event consists of two rounds. Round One is a written, multiple choice test and Round Two is a “spelldown” where competitors spell terms in front of judges. This event aims to inspire members to become skilled in medical spelling.


What is Health Career Photography?

Health Care Photography provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge about different health careers and analyze them through the medium of digital photography. Competitors will photograph three different health professionals performing an aspect of their job, edit the photos using computer software technology as needed, provide a written description of the career and then may present their three printed pictures to a panel of judges. This event aims to inspire members to use photography as a means to explore health careers.


What is Sports Medicine?

Sports Medicine provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for patient care in a sports medical setting. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds. Round One is a written, multiple-choice test and the top scoring competitors will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to be learn more about injury prevention, therapeutic intervention, and immediate care.


What is the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Partnership?

MRC Partnership provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required to initiate and maintain a partnership with their local/state Medical Reserve Corps units. This competitive event is designed for students to demonstrate the spirit and mission of both the MRC and HOSA in joint partnership activities. Each team consists of 2 to 6 competitors and teams will prepare a portfolio highlighting partnership activities that improve public health, increase emergency response capabilities, and strengthen the resiliency of local communities. This event aims to inspire members to engage with the Medical Reserve Corps to learn more about community-based groups committed to strengthening public health.


What is HOSA Bowl?

HOSA Bowl provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills on various topics and situations in health, current health topics, HOSA, and parliamentary procedure. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of exactly four (4) members. Round One is a written test. Top scoring teams advance to Round Two and compete by giving appropriate responses to items presented by a moderator in a “buzzer style” round. These items may be in the form of questions, incomplete statements, and/or definitions and may be multi-answer items. Winners will be determined by a series of elimination rounds as described in the event tournament bracket. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and motivate them to participate in teams, while learning about health, HOSA , current health topics and parliamentary procedure topics.


What is Medical Terminology?

Medical Terminology provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills regarding prefixes, suffixes, word roots, as well as anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and occupations related to the health field. This competitive event consists of a written test with tiebreaker questions and aims to inspire members to learn about terms used in health professions and health specialties.


What is Extemporaneous Writing?

Extemporaneous Writing provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for writing an essay. This competitive event consists of a secret topic related to health and a written essay based on the given secret topic. This event aims to inspire members to learn more about health through learned writing skills.


What is Family Medicine Physician?

The Family Medicine Physician competitive event provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge about this career path through interviews, research, and a peer presentation. Competitors will conduct interviews to learn more about family medicine, and then will share their finding with their peers through a presentation. Competitors will present their peer presentation to a panel of judges, showcasing what they have learned. This event aims to inspire members to learn about the dynamic field of Family Medicine and ultimately help AAFP in their goal to ensure that no less than 25% of medical school seniors select family medicine as their specialty by the year 2030.


What is Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)?

Emergency Medical Technician provides HOSA members with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills required for emergency medical care. This competitive event consists of 2 rounds and each team consists of two (2) people. Round One is a written, multiple-choice test and the top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the skills assessment. This event aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and be equipped with resilience, physical strength and problem-solving skills to provide immediate treatment in emergencies.
