What are the three HOSA colors?
Maroon, white, and navy blue
What does -itis mean?
What is a threat a attempt to injure?
What does a cast do?
Holds a broken bone in place while it heals.
What does DNA mean?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
What does HOSA stand for?
Health Occupations Students of America
What does angi/o mean?
Blood Vessel
Sharing false information either spoken or written is...
What AED Stand for?
An automated external defibrillator
What does a ligament connect to?
Connects one bone to another bone.
Mrs. Tah
What does the combining term of poli/o mean?
What do the initials HIPAA stand for?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What is a EEG test for?
Measures electrical activity in the brain to diagnose and monitor brain condition
What does the cerebellum control?
Controls balance, posture, and voluntary muscle movements.
What state was HOSA first organized?
New Jersey
What does cutane/o mean?
Stated in distinct and clear language either orally or in writing?
Expressed contacts
What is a agar plate?
A petri dish filled with a jello-like nutrient material used to grow bacteria.
What is the maximum blood pressure that occurs when the heart contracts
Lizbeth Luna-Lopez
What bone is the ilium?
Hip bone
What is Malpractice?
the failure of a professional to use the degree of skill and learning commonly expected in that individual's profession, resulting in injury.
What does a sphygmomanometer measure?
Measures blood pressure.
Inflammation of the liver caused by consuming contaminated food or water
Hepatitis A