Where does the Book of Hosea take place?
Israel (Northern Kingdom).
Who is the prophet in the book we've been studying?
What is the first charge God brings against the people of Israel?
There is no faithfulness in the land.
What does the name "Mary" mean?
I was a teenager sold by my jealous brothers. I was taken to Egypt, and thrown in prison. But later, God made me a ruler over the land.
Joseph (Genesis 37-41)
How many kingdoms did Israel split into and what are their names?
2; Israel (Northern Kingdom) and Judah (Southern Kingdom)
Who did God tell Hosea to marry?
What does God ask Hosea to do in Hosea 3?
HOSEA 3:1-2
Love his wife by forgiving her and buying her back.
How did Mary react to the angel Gabriel’s greeting?
Troubled (Luke 1:29)
My mother dedicated me to God before I was even born. I grew up under the priest Eli, and later anointed the first two kings of Israel.
Samuel (1 Samuel 1-3)
What section of the Bible does the Book of Hosea fall under?
The Minor Prophets.
How many children did Gomer and Hosea have?
What does God compare Israel's unfaithfulness to in Hosea 4 and 5?
HOSEA 4:13-15 ; HOSEA 5:4
Adultery and Prostitution.
What key phrase is repeated to Joseph, Mary, and Zechariah by the angel?
"Do not be afraid"
I fell asleep while Paul was preaching, fell out of a window, and died but Paul brought me back to life.
Eutychus (Acts 20:9-12)
What was the name of Hosea's father?
What is the name of Hosea's youngest child?
What does God desire more than sacrifices or rituals?
HOSEA 6:6-7
Mercy, Acknowledgement, and Faithfulness.
What is significant about Mary’s response compared to Zechariah’s?
I was a young man who helped Paul in ministry. Paul wrote two letters to me, instructing me on how to lead a church.
Timothy (1 & 2 Timothy)
Who was King during the beginning of Hosea's writing?
Jereboam II (Judah's Kings during this time do not count, examples: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah)
The book clearly illustrates that Hosea's marriage/relationship is supposed to be symbolic. Hosea is modeling the future actions of what person?
Jesus. He models Jesus restoring and redeeming the church(His bride).
Who does God tell Hosea He will give Israel over to as punishment?
HOSEA 14:3
What town was Mary from?
I was a young man who traveled with Paul, but I abandoned the mission. Later, Paul said I was useful again. Who am I?
John Mark (Acts 13:13, 2 Timothy 4:11)