Assumed prognosis of a hospice patient
What is 6 months
PPS on admission 30%
PPS on recertification assessment 20%
What is recertify patient
What is Alzheimer's Disease
IV Dilaudid onset time
What is 5-10 minutes
Level of care for a patient who is actively dying but asymptomatic
What is Routine Homecare
FAST score required for hospice admission of a dementia patient
What is 7C or greater
Starting third benefit period
What is 180 days on hospice
What is heart failure
What is pain/respiratory distress
Level of care for a patient at home with elderly caregiver who is unable to continue to medicate as patient needs for comfort
What is General Inpatient
PPS score required for hospice admission
What is 50% or less
Face to Face required
What is 3rd+ benefit periods
Morphine onset time
Level of care needed for a patient who has family coming into town to assist with care, but there is a lapse in time between now and family arriving
What is Respite
NYHA score IV
What is cardiac symptoms present at rest
Number of 90 day benefit periods
What is 2
What is severe pain
Stronges Benzodiazepine
What is Xanax
Level of care for a patient who's family requires frequent education and oversight to provide required care to maintain comfort
What is General Inpatient
Requirements for hospice admission for a cancer diagnosis
What is advanced or metastatic disease declining treatment or not eligible for treatment
Number of 60 day benefit periods
What is unlimited
PPS 10%
What is prognosis of 1-3 days
4 times stronger than Morphine
What is Dilaudid
Level of care progression for a patient who is at home, ran out of medications and is now symptomatic