MSW Skills and Knowledge
Hospice Levels of Care
Hospice Regulations
Oregon specific resources

A tool to use to document patient cognition.

What is the SLUMS?  or 

What is a Mini-Mental Status Exam?


An NDoc mode which requires syncing 2x day, that also allows you to document in real time without internet signal.

What is field mode?


The most commonly used level of care in Hospice

Routine Level of Care


The regulatory time frame to complete your Psyc/Social Assessment.

What is 5 days?

A resource available at WVH (and a few other hospices across the nation) to support the care and rehoming of hospice patient's pets.

What is PPOM (Pet Peace of Mind)?


Mental health history or current struggles. Previous suicide attempts or current suicidal ideation. Active or historical addiction processes. Young children in the home. Family estrangement/dynamics. Stated concerns of ones own coping abilities. Significant life changes with upcoming death: income loss, risk of homelessness.

What are common risk factors that could increase risk for pathological grief and therefore the Bereavement Risk Assessment level.


An NDoc mode that is required to access Bereavement or to scribe.

What is live NDoc?


A level of care that is utilized when a patient has symptoms out of control and can not get managed in the home setting.

What is GIP (General Inpatient Level of Care)


Core disciplines that must be present to be able to hold an IDG. 

Who are the core IDG members: Physician (MD or DO), RN, MSW, Spiritual Counselor?



Agency (serving Marian and Polk counties) that administers services like APS, Medicaid eligibility, Oregon Project Independence, Home Care Worker and more?

What is NWSDS (Northwest Senior and Disability Services)?


A theory, clinical foundation or clinical approach which is essential in assessing the patient and or their environment.

What is a Strengths Based Approach?   or   What is Family Systems Theory? or What is Person-in-Environment? or What is Crisis Intervention? or What is Motivational Interviewing? or What is Dignity Therapy? or What is BPT (Brief Psychodynamic Therapy) or What is Life Review? or  What is Person-Centered Therapy?  or What is Psychoeducation?


A post visit pathway to document patient DNR status.

What is Care Pilot -> Profile -> Hospice -> Hospice care?


Although not a LOC, a special program WHV utilizes to give the best care possible (that other hospices don't provide).

What is ICC (Intensive Comfort Care)?  or   What is In-Home Respite?


The number of hours of care that must be provided in the home setting by nursing and aides within a 24 hour time period, midnight to midnight, in order to be able to bill for Continuous Care. 

What are 8 hours? 


A document used in Oregon to document patient EOL wishes (and can be used to limit utilization of CPR) in home and community settings.

POLST    (Provider Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment)


The key question to ask when utilizing Dignity Therapy in End of Life Care.

"What do I need to know about you as a person to give you the best possible care?    H.M. Chochinov, MD


A post visit pathway to document the pt's funeral home.

What is Care Pilot -> Profile -> Hospice -> Spiritual Care?


A level of care that can be offered when there is significant caregiver breakdown.

What is Inpatient Respite?


A quality measure that Medicare has instituted to help measure quality of hospice care at end of life?

What is HVLDL (Hospice Visits in the Last Days of Life)?


Oregon's primary volunteer organization to help patients and families with access to Death with Dignity.

What is EOLCOR (End of Life Choices Oregon)?


The grief an individual experiences before the death of someone close to them.

What is Anticipatory Grief?


An NDoc field mode pathway to recover lost charting.

What is Operations -> Patient -> Recover Lost Charting?


A level of care which can be utilized for symptom management, requires significant nursing/aide staffing, but which occurs in the home setting.

What is Continuous Care?


An extra payment that is paid when registered nurses and social workers provide care to patients on routine home care (Max of 4 hours a day in 15 minute increments) in the last 7 days of life. 

What is the SIA (Service Intensity Add On)?


Currently the only Adult Foster Home in Oregon licensed to care for 5 hospice bed-bound patients. 

What is the Tokarski Home?
