The oldest known cookbook, Apicius, was written in ancient Rome and focused on the cuisine of this empire.
What is the Roman Empire?
Hospitals use this life-saving device to restart a person’s heart with an electric shock.
What is a defibrillator?
This is the pork product made from the belly of the pig and is often used in sandwiches or served with breakfast.
What is bacon?
In parliamentary procedure, to "table" a motion means to do this.
What is postpone or suspend discussion?
The 2025 Superbowl was hosted in this city.
What is New Orleans
This famous hotel chain, known for its red-roofed budget accommodations, got its name because it originally charged this amount per night when it opened in 1962.
What is $6? (Motel 6)
The Red Cross was founded in 1863 in this European country.
What is Switzerland?
This famous American cartoon character is a pig who lives in the city of Porkopolis.
Who is Porky Pig?
This casino game is played on a felt table and involves rolling two dice to determine wins and losses.
What is craps?
This legendary host of "The Price is Right" became synonymous with the show after taking over in 1972.
Who is Bob Barker?
The hospitality industry is often divided into three main sectors: lodging, food and beverage, and this.
What is travel and tourism
Florence Nightingale is credited with founding this modern medical profession.
What is nursing?
This common pig activity refers to the way they use their snouts to search for food underground.
What is rooting?
A table d'hôte menu offers a set multi-course meal for a fixed price, unlike this alternative menu style where dishes are priced separately.
What is à la carte?
This term is used to describe the star around which a planet orbits, such as our Sun for Earth.
What is a host star?
The first modern restaurant, serving individual meals from a menu, was established in the 18th century in this European country.
What is France?
The longest surgery ever recorded lasted approximately this many hours. (Within 4 hours)
What is 103 hours?
This NCAA Division I basketball team features a pig mascot named Porkchop, though it's more of an unofficial fan creation.
What is the University of North Carolina Tar Heels?
In HTML, this tag is used to define a table for organizing web content in rows and columns.
What is <table>?
This volcanic island, part of the Galápagos Archipelago, hosts the famous giant tortoises that share its name.
What is Isabela Island?
The oldest hotel in the world still in operation, Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Japan, has been welcoming guests since this year? (Within 10)
What is 705 AD?
This U.K. hospital, founded in 1123, is the oldest operating hospital in London.
What is St. Bartholomew’s Hospital (Barts)?
What group in the U.S is dedicated to providing education of pig ownership? Its acronym is NAPPA. (100 for every correct word)
What is the North American Pet Pig Association
This type of table, used in cryptography, is a grid of letters or symbols used for substitution ciphers like the Playfair cipher.
What is a polyalphabetic table?
This European city is home to the famous venue known as La Scala, a leading opera house that regularly hosts performances by top singers.
What is Milan?