Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Cause and Effect

What do I do if I'm late to class?

Sign in at student services

Quietly enter the classroom

Give the teacher the note

Find a seat without interrupting


How do I get the teacher’s attention?

Put my hand up

Do not - whistle, clap, shout or be rude.


What is a Brain Break?

A moment to pause and do something else - giving your brain time to change gears.


What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Spoken to by Teacher & appropriate consequence 


What do I do if I don’t have a working laptop?

Let the teacher know preferably before the class starts

We have 3 spare laptops, but other classes need them as well


What should I do when the bell rings at the end of class?

Wait for the teacher to release me


Where should phones and headphones be on entering the room?

In your bag or out of sight

(cracking down on phones and headphones)


What is a Learing goal? and bonus - Where do you find the learning goal?

A learning goal is what we want to achieve in a lesson... where we are heading

At the start of the PowerPoint presentation, or can be written on the board


What happens the second time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Teacher Chat, discussion with home and consequence


What should I do if I'm behind on my work?

Ask for help from peers or your teacher

Work on your theory at home because everything is accessible electronically

Go to homework club


What should I do if I finish my work early?

Show/let the teacher know

See if there is any extension work

Work on another subject

Get approval for anything else


Why do I need a laptop and diary with me each lesson?

Laptop - to complete your assessment on Cloud Assess, sign off units, work on theory, etc.

Diary - note down key dates, be able to leave class to go get a drink or to the toilet, etc.


What are the three big expectations of class?

Attend class with a charged laptop.

Follow instructions when directed.

Be prepared for class – either practical or theory.

Use class time effectively to stay on task to completion.

Be adaptable – change happens (sometimes a teacher is away or an event is spung on us at the last minute)


What is a referral?

Behaviour referred to HOY

Concerns for health referred to GO


When can you use electronics in class?

Laptops - to complete all theory work/assessment

Phones - NEVER for calls - Photos for work evidence when you ask for teacher permission.

Earphones - NEVER - it's a WHS thing!


What do you need to have with you when entering class?

Theory - A charged laptop and diary

Prac - container


What happens if my leather shoes are broken/missing?

I go to swap bank before school to swap into the right shoes to be able to be a part of the class - prac or theory.


Why do we still need stamps?

Because they can be used for cash ins/prizes, food rewards and rewards days, etc.


Why are safety breaches a big deal?

Because it puts others at risk

More likely to have injuries/accidents


When should class jobs be completed?

As promptly as possible, usually so that everyone can finish on time.


How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)

Asks for silence or attention, does a prompt

Stands up the front waiting silently

Starts putting a tally on the board for detention

Like juniors - holds up their hand, blows a whistle (know you are in trouble at this point)


What do I do if I am away and miss a class?

Let your teacher know in advance if you are going to be absent, so they can give you the information that you need while away.  

Catch up on any missed work/assessment

Organise to swap a shift in the cafe on that day.


How do I get a golden ticket on Thursdays?

Have 100% attendance for the previous week and are chosen by the wheel.


What happens if you are not fully switched onto Hospitality in the BPSSC Kitchens?

Accidents can happen causing injury/ies - burns, cuts, slips, trips or falls.


How do we treat all people in the Hosp space?

With respect - you don't know what has shaped them or what their life has been like.  

Friendliness - you will have to work together, so learn to get along and work with everyone
