
what does HACCP stand for 

hazard analysis critical control point


what does PCBU stand for?

person conducting business or undertaking


what does ppe stand for ?


personal protective equipment 

eg gloves apron goggles safety glasses


what is a cover?

A cover is a place setting at a table. When a customer makes an order, you may need to change the setting


What is a reservation?

A reservation is when a customer pre-books a table for a particular day and time.


what food goes on what colour chopping board ?

white- bread/ dairy

green- vegetables

red- raw meat

yellow- raw chicken

brown- cooked meat

blue- raw fish


What information is needed when taking a reservation?

➢ name, contact number, date/time of booking
➢ number of customers (PAX)
➢ arrival time
➢ special requests e.g. window seat or quiet table
➢ any special needs e.g. highchair for a baby, pram access or wheelchair access (they can get in ok), or cake and candles for a birthday.


What are the benefits of good communication?

➢ Helps with diversity
➢ Team Building
➢ Builds employee morale
➢ Able to understand the information clearly
➢ Customers get the correct meal
➢ Customers have a good time and are happy with the service provided.


What is a cyclic menu?

A menu that rotates weekly or monthly, and is commonly used in hospitals/retirement homes or airlines. Set menu with limited choices.


What is the Responsible Service of Alcohol?

Law in NSW, requires all staff who serve or work in areas where alcohol is served to have completed the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) course. This ensures that licensees and staff understand their responsibilities when serving alcohol. Any person required to serve alcohol in their employment must have training in RSA and be over 18yrs old.


what type of costs are there when accidents occur?

- human cost

-economic cost

- organisational costs

- indirect costs

- direct costs


what are the styles of service

Counter Service

Bistro Service

Buffet Service

Table Service

Table d’hôte


What is an a la carte service?

Menu generally printed and well-presented. Lists a variety of individually priced dishes. Waiter goes to the table to collect the orders and deliver food and beverages. Food is cooked to order. Crockery, cutlery and glassware is set on the table. Setting is changed as food and drink is ordered.


What do the barriers of communication include?

➢ Bias and stereotyping: prejudiced ideas based on a person's age, gender, nationality, appearance, religion,etc.
➢ Lack of empathy: inability to show compassion.
➢ Negative subtext: A negative message is suggested without it being explicitly said.
➢ Gender issues: Treating each gender differently.
➢ Individual differences: Not treating all people differently.
➢ Inconsistency: Not treating everybody, delivering the product with the same consistency.
➢ Emotions: Letting your personal emotions influence your actions.
➢ Physical barriers: Loud music and noises in a cafe could make it more difficult to hear and interpret messages.
➢ Inattention: Not noticing details or showing consideration towards customers.
➢ Pressure of time: Working within a stressful time frame could cause people to rush and therefore not communicate as effectively.


What does the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 ensure?

Relates to discrimination in employment, the public education system, delivery of goods and services and other services such as banking, healthcare and property and nightclubs. It renders unlawful racial, sexual and other types of discrimination in certain circumstances, and promotes equality of opportunity for all people.


What is a floor plan?

 map that shows how a restaurant should be set up for service. They are created for each service in a restaurant based on the differing reservations.


What are the different mediums of communication?

➢ Verbal (talking)
➢ Non-Verbal (body language/actions)
➢ Written (email, text message, orders, guest requests, technology)


What is a restaurant's mise en place for service?

➢ Polish the glassware/cutlery
➢ Set tables with cutlery, plates, plates, cruets
➢ Check that the waiter's station is well stocked for the service period.
➢ Check that everything is clean (e.g toilets, tables and chairs).
➢ Turn on the music, lights and POS systems.
➢ Check that everything is in the right position and that tables/chairs are placed so customers can walk between them.
➢ Check everything is safe (mopped floors are dry, exits clear and first aid kits stocked).
➢ Write any specials on the menu board if required.


How can you polish glassware?

1. Hold each glass over a bucket of hot steaming water. Hold wine glasses by the base.
2. Polish with a clean, lint-free cloth. Use one hand to cradle the bowl of the wine glass and polish with your other hand.
Always handle clean glassware by the stem so you don't put finger marks on the bowl.


What is a cruet?

usually glass bottle used to hold a condiment (such as salt, pepper, oil or vinegar) for use at the table.


What is an enterprise agreement?

A group of people in industry negotiate their working conditions with their employer


What is the ambiance and how it can be influenced?b

The character and atmosphere of a place.
This can be influenced by:
➢ Music
➢ Lighting
➢ Temperature
➢ Decor (artworks, menu design, furniture, dishes/cutlery)
➢ Spacing


What equipment can be used for making non-alcoholic beverages?

- Teacups/Saucers
- Milk jug
- Teaspoon
- Tongs
- Juicer
- Milkshake mixer
- Kettle
- Post mix systems
- Ice machines
- Refrigeration
- Glass washers
- Dishwashers
- Cocktail shakers
- Waiters friend
- Ice scoops/bucket
- Pourer
- Mesh shaker
- Melon baller
- Zester
- Pip remover
- Peeler


In what order is the coffee machine set up?

Plug in machine and turn on (it takes about 15-20 min to warm up)
Plug in grinder
Place filters into group handles
Place group handle into group head
Get out 2 pink and 2 blue cloths- wet them
Remove milk jugs from top of machine.
Put thermometer into milk jug- set up next to wands
Get cups onto heating tray (top)
o cappuccino cups
o latte glass
o espresso (demitasse cup)
Get out saucers (regular and small)
Get out stirring sticks
Get out take away cups and lids
Get out tea spoons
Get out sugar
Get out drinking chocolate
Get out knock box
Get out some milk
o check used by dates
o use open cartons first
Fill up the hopper with fresh beans
o Seal remaining beans as tightly as possible
o Store in a dry dark place
Grind some beans
Season the group head (made a shot from each side then tip it out)
Make customer orders


What are different types of milk? 

● Full cream
● Skim
● Reduced fat
● Long life
● Cafe milk (designed for an espresso machine to give best smooth foam)
● Soy
● Almond
● A2
