What woman was a bad example & was even thrown out a window?
Called the Literature Cart song. But what is the actual name of it?
If You Could See What I See
When the Israelites left Egypt, what body of water did they cross that was eventually used to destroy the Egyptian Army?
The Red Sea
What was the Title of the Talk Today?
Do You Recognize Jehovah's Sovereignty in Your Personal Life?
This Brother had a close association with the Apostle Paul.
This faithful woman had to have faith & put her life on the line. Her uncle gave her directions on what to do.
What Original Song was introduced in our Very First JW Broadcast?
The Best Life Ever
What body of Water did Jesus walk on?
The Sea of Galilee
Who in our Congregation has the MOST year Pioneering?
Cindy Johnson (37 Years)
This is the only Tribe whose name started with a "B."
She felt deep sorrow, was mistaken as a drunkard but Jehovah listened to her prayers.
This song was introduced at one of our Conventions. The ending of the music video was intense but an example of things to come.
Give Me Courage
This Body of Water is generally believed to be the place where the City of Sodom & Gomorrah used to be.
What is the name of the last town on Hwy 94 that ends the Eastern side of our Congregation territory?
Rush CO
He was the acting king of Babylon the night the Medes & Persians overtook the city.
She showed wisdom & logic because of her husbands foolishness. And it saved a man from murder.
The music video went through the emotions and life of Joseph. What is the name of that song?
Never Alone
This Body of Water was between the 12 tribe kingdom once the promised land was settled?
The Jordan River
How many McDonalds' Restaurants are in our territory?
4 (1 on the Peterson AFB)
This man was fully obedient, kind and morally chaste. Was part of the family line that led to Jesus and had a wife who is more well known than he.
The example of how bad association can do you real damage and hurt others. Many people died as a result of her bad association.
What is the Title of the Song that the Israelites sang after Pharaoh and his army perished and is also in our song book?
The Victory Song
What Body of Water did the Babylonians use to protect themselves, but ultimately failed?
The Euphrates River
How many Pioneers does Pikes Peak Park currently have?
One of Jacobs' concubines, given to him by Rachel. She had a weird relationship with Reuben.