Who created comic opera after the Licensing Act of 1737?
Isaac Bickerstaffe
What play did William Congrieve write?
The Way of the World
What does "wing and groove" refer to?
A series of flats, and grooves on the stage floor that allow one person to change all the wings simultaneously.
What is described as "tearful comedy" with characters that can be reformed and comic endings are not humorous, but uplifting?
Sentimental Comedy
What was considered the last true Restoration "Comedy of manners"?
The Way of The World
When Thomas Killigrew died, who became the manager of the Theatre Royal?
David Garrick
What play did Richard Sheridan write?
School for Scandal
Which period had which style of lighting?
18th Century? Early 19th Century? Late 19th Century?
18th Century - Candlelight
Early 19th Century - Gas Lighting
Late 19th Century - Electric Lighting
(Bonus Points if you know which theater installed which new lighting method.)
What play structure revolves around a secret known to the audience, not the characters and has clearly foreshadowed dramatic action?
Well-Made Play
The Conscious Lovers by Richard Steele is considered...?
One of the best examples of Sentimental Comedy
Who were the rivaling actresses in France during the 18th century?
Dumesnil and Clairon
Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
George L. Aiken
What were the 3 major theaters in 18th Cent. France?
The Opera
Comedie Italienne
The Comedie Francais
What genre has a suspenseful plot, ellicits strong emotions, and has a hero struggling against evil forces?
What play is a prime example of Romanticism for its romantic hero and ideals?
Woyzeck by Georg Buchner
Who championed Drame Bourgeois (drama of the middle class)?
Denis Diderot
Who wrote Woyzeck?
George Buchner
Where did the Bolshoi Theater open?
Saint Petersburg, 1771
What style has free/open expression and relies on imagination over reason?
What play intended to break Neoclassical principles, sparked riots, had one of the most famous opening nights in the history of theatre, and was the defining moment for Western Drama?
Hernani by Victor Hugo
Who was the first woman to run a large, first-class New York theatre?
Laura Keene
Who wrote The Beggars Opera?
John Gay
What did the industrial revolution help create, in terms of technical theatre?
Revolving stage
Moving panorama
What type of comedy is not cynical or sentimental and has characters with contrasting manners?
Laughing Comedy
To express middle class sentiment about English theatre and demonstrate the inequality between theory and practice.