This is a piece of furniture where you usually spend the night.
a bed
In my a crystal ball I can see:
a stage, a microphone, lights and lots of fans!
Will I be a pop star?
You have it when your head is very hot. Another word for it is "fever".
a temperature
This is what we call a very funny film or a theatre play.
a comedy
This sign lets you know that you can do your shopping without standing up from your sofa.
"You shop, we drop"
an alarm (clock)
In my a crystal ball I can see:
a wedding, lots of reporters and photographers and a newspaper article.
Will I marry a famous person?
You can get it if you eat too much or if you eat something bad.
a stomach ache
This is an "actor" with strings.
a puppet
If you see this sign it means that you can save some money!
"Buy 1 get 1 free!"
This is your very own "personal computer".
In my crystal ball I can see:
a plane, a suitcase, a map...
Will I travel to another country?
This will help you feel better.
This is a stage performance which you can only watch. You won't hear anything.
You will find this sign on a bin in which you should put your old polyester sack.
"Recycle your plastic bags here"
Dr Deidre Barrett says that in our dreams we can often see invisible danger as...
In my crystal ball I can see:
a long table, a notebook and a sign "jury"...
Will I be a judge?
Sometimes when you have this, you cannot speak.
a sore throat
This is what you can hear e.g. in a traditional countryside wedding or festival.
folk music
You will find this sign above an unmanned till.
"Self checkout" experiences.
In my crystal ball I can see:
a tall white hat, a knife, a saucepan...
Will I be a chef?
This is a serious illness. You should stay in bed.
This is what you call a place where something takes place.
The shelf with this sign contains products which cost less than usual because they have to be sold fast.
"Reduced to clear"