Does the Green Party believe in climate change
How dangerous does the Green Party believe immigrants are to the American people?
Not dangerous at all?
Who endorses the Green party?
The American Arab and Muslim Action Committee
Who is a famous person associated with the Green party?
Leonardo Di Caprio
What are the Green Party's active policies fighting climate change?
Tariffs on fossil fuels and phasing out of nuclear and coal power
Green Party's policy on border security?
The Green Party stands firmly for social justice for all those living in this country regardless of their immigration status
How does the Green Party plan to bring down grocery prices?
4 Steps,
How would the Green Party work on solving the issue of abortion?
They believe that it essential that the option of a safe, legal abortion remains available.
Who's the leader of the Green party?
Jill Stein
Green Party's policy on how to decrease fossil fuels?
Increase fossil fuel tariffs?
Green Party's policy on religious freedom?
The Green Party believes in religious freedom for all
Does the Green party believe the power go to the central government or state government?
They believe in power to the people
How old does the Green Party believe you should be to get an abortion?
The Green Party unequivocally supports a woman's right to reproductive choice, no matter her marital status or age
Is the Green Party nonprofit?
If the Green Party was elected, how would you reduce the effects of climate change?
Protections for ecoregions and communities and a severe decrease in fossil fuel funding
Green Party's policy on giving immigrants access to US justice systems?
Policy and Law must be human and provided regardless of immigration status
What is the Green Party's main policies concerning the government?
The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism
Is abortion murder?
What country did the Green party originate in?
Germany and Central Europe
What are the Green Party's primary concerns with climate change?
Global warming, changes in sea levels, and increase in natural disasters
What is the Green Party's policy on immigrants voting?
They believe you have to be a legal citizen to vote
How does the Green Party feel about taxes?
The Green Party advocates a fair tax system based upon principles of social equity
What does the Green Party believe is the limit ( in weeks) to get an abortion?
The answer is unknown
How big is the Green Party?