What's the deal with airplane food?
Times They Are a Changin'
Different Music, Same Year
It's Bad on Purpose
Roman Rulers

Who is the worst dancer?

Who is Elaine


Types of geometric movement in math, includes rotation, reflection, translation, and scaling.

What are transformations


This year saw the release of both "Is This It" by The Strokes and "The Blueprint" by Jay-Z, the ladder of which came out the same day as a major historical event.

What is 2001


Music recording style recognizable by it's rough around the edged approach and absence of quality equipment and mixing whch gives a more raw aesthetic.

What is "Lo-fi"


Tsar refers to a Russian king and is derived from which famous roman dictator's name.

Who is "Caeser"


Kramer makes a miniature sculpture of Jerry made out of pasta, what kind of pasta comprises mini Jerry?

What is Fuscilli


Which Greek letter's uppercase form is commonly used to represent the difference or change in some variable.

What is "delta"


In order to get out of his record deal, Frank Ocean released the album "Endless" in 2016. One day later he released another album he worked on in secret which was an instant classic upon release.

What is "Blonde"


Movie style which involves camcorders and mysteries to do the atmospheric heavy lifting in absence of a budget.

What is "Found Footage"


The fat kid from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" shares his name with which ruler?

Who is "Augustus"


In the episode "The Barber" what film seems to bring all barbers to tears?

What is Edward Sissorhands


Nicolas Cage stars in this Spike Jonze film where he plays the screen-writer pair Charlie and Donald Kaufman.

What is "Adaptation"


In 1977 Bowie released "Heroes", which other Bowie classic was released earlier the same year in collaboration with Brian Eno?

What is "Low"


This trend of cruel and unusual self-punishment from the 2010s involved eating an assortment of terrible tasting jellybeans.

What is "Beanboozled"


The name of the newest entry in the "Alien" franchise

What is "Rommulous"


Cosmo Kramer's character in the show is based on a real life Kramer whom lived next to Larry David, what is the real Kramer's first name?

Who is Kenny Kramer


Franz Kafka wrote this novel in 1915 which follows it's main character after they have been turned into an insect.

What is "The Metamorphosis"


Bob Dylan album released in the same calendar year as "Highway 61 Revisited"

What is "Bringing it All Back Home"


Film from 2003 which is directed and starred by Tommy Wiseau is so awful it had to be intentional.

What is "The Room"


The city which is now known as Istanbul was founded under this leader.

Who is "Constantine"


While George is engaged to Susan he schemes ways of getting out of the marriage, one of his stupidest ideas is to try and cheat on her. Who is the famous actress he meets and tries to date?

Who is Marissa Tomei


Toussaint L'Ouverture led which uprising?

The "Haitian Revolution"


Which albums released by King Crimson and Frank Zappa both came out on October 10th 1969 are widely considered each of their best work.

What are "In the Court of the Crimson King" and "Hot Rats"


Released in 1969 by Captain Beefheart and his magic band, this album is both infamous and legendary due to it's awful sound and strange album cover.

What is "Trout Mask Replica"


Morrissey sings in "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" that "______ would've blushed". The flush individual in question shares their name with which ruler?

Who is "Caligula"
