How do you get Miss Hotchkiss's attention?
Raise your hand quietly until she calls on you
What is done every night at home?
Read 20 minutes and study vocab
What are the expectations when working around the room?
Not touching things or others
On task
Facing your partner and contributing
What happens when you are not following directions (think about the three steps for when you misbehave)?
1. Warning
2. Safe Seat
3. Buddy Room
Where do you turn in finished assignments?
The turn in basket on the table next to the door
What does our week look like to study vocab (Mon, Tues-Thurs, Fri)?
Mon- Write down terms and definitions
Tues-Thurs- Stations/Activities
Fri- Take Quiz
What is the procedure for using chrome books?
Tell the computer helpers your number
Quietly walk with you chrome book shut and wait for instructions
What will happen if you are not following computer expectations?
Computer is taken away until you can prove otherwise
What drink could Miss Hotchkiss NOT live without?
What is the process for leaving the classroom (for a drink or the restroom)?
Fill out your agenda then raise your hand and silently wait until a teacher can sign it
What supplies are expected for ELA everyday?
AVID Binder
What are the carpet expectations?
Sitting so that you are facing the board
Hands to yourself
Eyes on the speaker or the board
What is the procedure for our classroom safe seat (for visitors or yourself)?
Do not talk to others
Face forward
Complete think sheet/work
Walk there quietly with no disruptions
What is my favorite prop to use in the classroom?
What is the procedure for entering the classroom?
Step 1. Sit down at your seat
Step 2. Fill out agenda with classwork and homework
Step 3. Follow directions that are on the board
How do you track behavior in our class?
Behavior Sheet and filled out every day for preparedness, participation, and behavior
What are the expectation during Independent Work Time?
Voice Level 0
On task and working the whole time on your assignment
Giving your best efforts
What happens if you are sent to a buddy room?
Move there without disruptions
Complete work given
May not return until teacher directed
Do not disrupt the classroom you are in
What does Miss Hotchkiss do when she is stressed?
Eats candy
What is the process when you want to borrow a book from our classroom library?
Step 1. Get the librarian
Step 2. Tell the librarian the book title so they can fill it out on the sheet
Step 3. When you finish the book, return it to the book return and tell the librarian.
What is due every Monday?
Reading Goals
What is the expectation for small group work (how should you act, sound like, look like etc)?
Voice level 1-2
All members are on task and contributing to the activity. Each member is completing their assignment.
What are whole class consequences we have in place?
Taking minutes off passing time
No group work
No brain break
No music
How did Miss Hotchkiss get the scar on her forehead?
Getting hit with an exercise ball while playing ball tag