Sport Tourism
Sports at St. Lawrence College

What is sport tourism?

Sport tourism is any activity in which people are attracted to a particular location as a sport event participant, an event spectator, or to attend sport attractions or business meeting.


What is a Stakeholder?

“A stakeholder is any individual or group who can affect, or is affected by, the operations of an organization” (Freeman, 1984)


What new sport is being re-introduced to SLC’s varsity team roster?


What does NSO stand for? 

National Sport Organization 


What is an open bid? 

An open bid process is when all bidding parties are made aware to one-another.

Name 2 examples of Sport Tourism

◦ Attending Formula 1 Race
◦ Participating in Yoga Teacher Training
◦ Booking a surf lesson during a vacation
◦ Nostalgic visits to historical sites – Olympic Stadiums


Name the 5 different characteristics of a Stakeholder. 

1. Involuntary - individuals or groups who are involved with the event or organization not by choice. For example, residents that live near the development site of a new hockey arena. These residents are involuntarily affected by the construction of the arena.

2. Voluntary - individuals or groups that choose to be involved with the event or organization. For example, an SLC student doing a summer internship for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. These stakeholders are voluntary because they chose to apply for employment or volunteer work with the organization/sport event.

3. Cooperative - individuals or groups that unite to meet the common goals of the event or organization. These stakeholders include volunteers who choose to be involved in a sport event (voluntary) and want to see the event be a success for their city (cooperative).

4. Competitive - individuals or groups that compete to meet the interest of the event or organization. These stakeholders are characterized by wanting to be more successful. For example, the NHL might compete with the Winter Olympics for prime television time.

5. Adversarial – individuals or groups that are characterized by opposition of the event or organization. For example, the former activist group “Bread Not Circuses” opposed the 2008 Toronto Olympic Bid for environmental and housing reasons.


What are the current Varsity sports teams at SLC? 

Badminton, basketball, cross-country, golf, soccer, rugby


What does ISF stand for? 

International Sport Federation


What is a closed bid? 

A closed bid process is when bids are treated with confidentiality and trust.


What is the total value of the Sport Tourism Industry in Canada? 

$6.8 billion! 


Why are Stakeholders important? 

To avoid:
◦ Loss of support
◦ Poor performance
◦ Stakeholder retribution
◦ Organizational failure


What is the name of the guest speaker that spoke to our class about sport events at St. Lawrence College?

Kevin Biggs 


What does IOC stand for?

International Olympic Committee 


What sections should be included in a bid book?

◦ Host City Overview
◦ Financial Summary
◦ Competition Venue(s)
◦ Non-Competition Venues (festivals, ceremonies, meetings) 
◦ Accommodations
◦ Volunteers 


Why is sport tourism important for the tourism industry? 

“Tourism and sport are interrelated and complementary… both are powerful forces for development, stimulating investment in infrastructure projects such as airports, roads, stadiums, sporting complexes and restaurants- projects that can be enjoyed by the local population as well as tourists who come to use them.”

Sport tourism is the fastest growing segment of the tourism industry. Sport tourism in Canada is a $7.4 billion industry.


What does Stakeholder theory suggest? 

Stakeholder Theory stresses the interconnected relationships between a business and its customers, suppliers, employees, investors, communities and others who have a stake in the organization. 

The theory argues that a firm should create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders


If SLC was hosting a sport event, overnight visitors would have to book a hotel for 2 nights. The event will consume 5,000 hotel rooms per night. How many room nights will be consumed by the event? 

2 nights x 5,000 rooms = 10,000 rooms will be consumed by the event. 


What is a SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a study done by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats. 

S- Strengths

W- Weaknessess

O- Opportunities

T- Threats 


Thinking about your final project in HOTE7CI. What event will you "bid" on for your final project?

Sports Event Congress 

What is the governing body for sport tourism in Canada?

Sport Event Congress


Imagine that Kingston is co-hosting the 2028 Summer Olympic Games with Los Angeles because recent wildfires in California have destroyed their sailing facilities. Name the stakeholders that you think should be on the 2028 Kingston Olympic Organizing Committee.

Stakeholder Examples:
◦ International Olympic Committee (IOC)
◦ International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
◦ Indigenous groups (Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples)
◦ World Sailing (IF)
◦ Sail Canada (NSO)
◦ Canadian Olympic Committee (COC/NOC)
◦ Tourism Kingston (DMO)
◦ Kingston Accommodation Partners (KAP)
◦ Regional Tourism Office (RTO9)
◦ CORK (Canadian Olympic-Training Regatta Kingston)
◦ Federal Government
◦ Provincial Government (Ontario)
◦ Municipal Government (City of Kingston)
◦ Ex: Portsmouth Olympic Harbour (venue), waste management
◦ Media
◦ Spectators/Fans
◦ Residents of Kingston
◦ Emergency responders (Frontenac Paramedics, Kingston
◦ Sponsors


Sporting events in Kingston are often held at a venue downtown. What is the name of this venue? Hint: It was recently renamed 

Slush Puppie Place 


What does COC stand for? 

Canadian Olympic Committee 


Briefly explain the bidding process 

◦ The host city applicant responds to questions found in the bid application
◦ The host city applicant submits a formal bid book and may be asked to make a bid presentation
◦ The bid book is evaluated by a selection committee who decides where the event will be hosted
◦ Once the winning applicant city is announced, the event planning process begins
